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PostHeaderIcon Pentoo: una distribución dirigida a la seguridad informática basada en Gentoo

Pentoo es una distribución GNU/Linux basada en Gentoo de origen Suizo dirigida a la seguridad informática con la que se pueden realizar pruebas de pentesting y análisis de seguridad de sistemas en modo Live CD y  Live USB

Características Pentoo

Aquí está una lista no exhaustiva de las características incluidas actualmente:
  • Disponible en versiones de 32 bits y 64 bits, este último con un aumento significativo de la velocidad de 32 bits
  • Incluye el entorno necesario para descifrar contraseñas utilizando GPGPU con OpenCL y CUDA configurados 'out of the box'
  • Construido sobre linux endurecido, incluyendo un núcleo endurecido (con parches adicionales) y cadena de herramientas
  •  Pila Wifi portado de la última versión estable del kernel
  •  Utiliza overlay Pentoo, que permite a las herramientas que se construirán en la parte superior de una acumulación gentoo estándar
  • Módulo de soporte de carga slax ala
  • Permite guardar los cambios en memoria usb
  • XFCE4 wm
  • Soporte para el cifrado de disco completo con Luks si está instalado en el disco duro
  •  Instalación automatizada
  • Sistema actualiza si lo ha hecho finalmente instalado

Pentoo utiliza el escritorio Xfce y está basada en la veterana Gentoo, a la que se le han añadido una gran cantidad de herramientas de hacking y un kernel personalizado.

Ahora mismo los desarrolladores de la distro están trabajando en el lanzamiento de su versión 2015, de hecho desde hace unos días tenemos disponible una nueva versión candidata (RC3.7) que incluye mejoras como la posibilidad de crear un sistema persistente en nuestra unidad USB live al utilizar el programa Unetbootin (con opción de verificación en el boot incluida) y la actualización del sistema de arranque de syslinux 4 a syslinux 5.

En cuanto a los programas de hacking se clasifican en las siguientes categorias:
  • Analizadores: donde nos encontramos una gran variedad de sniffers (wireshark, Tcpdump, EtherApe…) y una impresionante cantidad de herramientas para comprometer IPv6
  • Bluetooth: programas para auditar sistemas en ambientes bluetooth
  • Cracker/fuerza bruta: Hydra, John The Ripper, Medusa,…
  • Bases de datos:  Mssql, Mysql, Oracle, Sqlibf, Sqlmap, sqlitebrowser
  • Exploit: incluye programas como Armitage, Yersinia, Beef, Metasploit, W3af, Beef, Inguma
  • Footprints: en esta categoría incluye aplicaciones con las que podemos obtener información sobre DNS, sistemas operativos, geolocalización, HTTP, correo electrónico.
  • Forenses: incluye programas con las que podemos recuperar datos borrados de discos duros (testdisk, foremost, Sleuth Kit, ddrescue, etc..), análisis de sistemas de ficheros (autopsy), recuperación PDFs, analisis de cifrado Xor (Xor-analyze),
  • Forging: desde herramientas para cambiar nuestra dirección MAC (macchanger), herramientas para crear y enviar paquetes TCP/IP como Hping 3 o programas para inyectar paquetes como Nemesis y Fragrouter.
  • Fuzzers: son programas especialmente diseñados para descubrir fallos de seguridad en software, redes o sistemas operativos como Bed, Peach, Smudge, Furzzer-server, etc..
  • MITM: las típicas aplicaciones para realizar ataques en man-in-the-middle
  • Misc: una miscelánea de aplicaciones para diferentes usos como pueden ser: Snort, Whois, Stunnel, Dhcpcd, Vncviewer
  • Móvil: herramientas para hacer Jailbreak a cualquier Idevice, ingeniería inversa de aplicaciones android (Apktool), decompilar Java, analizar sistemas iOS, etc..
  • Proxy: herramientas para auditar seguridad como Burpsuite o Ratproxy se combinan en esta categoría con otras como Vidalia, o Proxychains que nos facilitan establecer conexiones a través de la red Tor u otras como Tsocks que permiten gesionar proxys socks.
  • RCE: programas para realizar ingeniería inversa (por ej Radare2) así como diversos depuradores (debugger) como Metasm, Ltrace, Radare2, etc…
  • Radio: aplicaciones para decodificar y analizar señales de radio.
  • SIP/VoIP: programas para auditar sistemas VoIP
  • Scanner: Aquí nos encontramos herramientas como ike-scan que nos permite analizar la seguridad de sistemas IPsec VPN, escáneres SNMP (onesixtyone), además de otras más conocidas como Nmap o arachni.
  • Wireless: incluye todo lo necesario para atacar este tipo de redes, al igual que en las anteriores categorías podemos mencionar alguno de los programas más conocidos: Aircrack-ng, Airsnort, Kismet, Wifite, Reaver.
Por supuesto todos eses programas están disponibles para los usuarios de Gentoo mediante los conocidos overlay (repositorios no oficiales que proporcionan ebuilds adicionales) y que pueden añadir mediante los siguientes comandos:

layman -L
layman -a pentoo

Por lo demás incluye una gran cantidad de software de serie en el aspecto multimedia, ofimático, gráfico o de internet que no tiene nada que envidiarle a cualquier otra distro de las de uso general (no en vano la ISO de descarga es de casi 3GB) y cuenta con un sencillo instalador (en modo texto) por si nos apetece hacerla fija en alguno de nuestros equipos.

Si deseáis probar esta distro de seguridad con sabor a Gentoo la podéis descargar desde esta página en versiones de 32 y 64 bits.


Listado completo herramientas de Pentoo

Tools List 2014.0 RC3.5

app-accessibility at-spi2-atk
Gtk module for bridging AT-SPI to Atk
app-accessibility at-spi2-core
D-Bus accessibility specifications and registration daemon
app-accessibility brltty
Daemon that provides access to the Linux/Unix console for a blind person
app-accessibility espeak
Speech synthesizer for English and other languages
app-accessibility espeakup
espeakup is a small lightweight connector for espeak and speakup
app-accessibility speech-dispatcher
Speech synthesis interface
app-admin eselect
Gentoo's multi-purpose configuration and management tool
app-admin eselect-bashcomp
Manage contributed bash-completion scripts
app-admin eselect-blas
BLAS module for eselect
app-admin eselect-cblas
C-language BLAS module for eselect
app-admin eselect-cdparanoia
Manage /usr/bin/cdparanoia symlink
app-admin eselect-ctags
Manages ctags implementations
app-admin eselect-fontconfig
An eselect module to manage /etc/fonts/conf.d symlinks
app-admin eselect-java
A set of eselect modules for Java
app-admin eselect-lapack
LAPACK module for eselect
app-admin eselect-lib-bin-symlink
An eselect library to manage executable symlinks
app-admin eselect-mesa
Utility to change the Mesa OpenGL driver being used
app-admin eselect-metasploit
eselect module for metasploit
app-admin eselect-mpg123
Manage /usr/bin/mpg123 symlink
app-admin eselect-notify-send
Manage /usr/bin/notify-send symlink
app-admin eselect-opencl
Utility to change the OpenCL implementation being used
app-admin eselect-opengl
Utility to change the OpenGL interface being used
app-admin eselect-package-manager
Manages PACKAGE_MANAGER environment variable
app-admin eselect-php
PHP eselect module
app-admin eselect-pinentry
Manage /usr/bin/pinentry symlink
app-admin eselect-postgresql
Utility to select the default PostgreSQL slot
app-admin eselect-python
Eselect module for management of multiple Python versions
app-admin eselect-qtgraphicssystem
Utility to change the active Qt Graphics System
app-admin eselect-ruby
Manages multiple Ruby versions
app-admin eselect-vi
Manages the /usr/bin/vi symlink
app-admin eselect-wxwidgets
Eselect module and wrappers for wxWidgets
app-admin eselect-xvmc
Manages XvMC implementations
app-admin gam-server
Library providing the FAM File Alteration Monitor API
app-admin gamin
Meta package providing the File Alteration Monitor API & Server
app-admin localepurge
Script to recover diskspace wasted for unneeded locale files and localized man pages
app-admin metalog
A highly configurable replacement for syslogd/klogd
app-admin perl-cleaner
User land tool for cleaning up old perl installs
app-admin python-updater
Script used to reinstall Python packages after changing of active Python versions
app-admin sudo
Allows users or groups to run commands as other users
app-admin testdisk
Checks and undeletes partitions + PhotoRec, signature based recovery tool
app-admin webapp-config
Gentoo's installer for web-based applications
app-admin genmenu
a tool for generating freedesktop-compliant menus
app-arch bzip2
A high-quality data compressor used extensively by Gentoo Linux
app-arch cabextract
Extracts files from Microsoft .cab files
app-arch cpio
A file archival tool which can also read and write tar files
app-arch file-roller
Archive manager for GNOME
app-arch gzip
Standard GNU compressor
app-arch lbzip2
Parallel bzip2 utility
app-arch libarchive
BSD tar command
app-arch p7zip
Port of 7-Zip archiver for Unix
app-arch rpm2targz
Convert a .rpm file to a .tar.gz archive
app-arch sharutils
Tools to deal with shar archives
app-arch snappy
A high-speed compression/decompression library by Google
app-arch tar
Use this to make tarballs :)
app-arch unrar
Uncompress rar files
app-arch unzip
unzipper for pkzip-compressed files
app-arch xz-utils
utils for managing LZMA compressed files
app-arch zip
Info ZIP (encryption support)
app-cdr xfburn
GTK+ based CD and DVD burning application
app-crypt chntpw
Offline Windows NT Password & Registry Editor
app-crypt gcr
Libraries for cryptographic UIs and accessing PKCS#11 modules
app-crypt gnupg
The GNU Privacy Guard, a GPL pgp replacement
app-crypt hashcat-bin
An multi-threaded multihash cracker
app-crypt hashcat-gui
A gui for the *hashcat* suite of tools
app-crypt johntheripper
fast password cracker
app-crypt libsecret
GObject library for accessing the freedesktop.org Secret Service API
app-crypt mhash
library providing a uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms
app-crypt mit-krb5
MIT Kerberos V
app-crypt openvpn-blacklist
Detection of weak openvpn keys produced by certain debian versions between 2006 and 2008
app-crypt ophcrack
A time-memory-trade-off-cracker
app-crypt p11-kit
Provides a standard configuration setup for installing PKCS#11
app-crypt pinentry
Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol
app-crypt xor-analyze
program for cryptanalyzing xor 'encryption' with variable key length
app-crypt SIPcrack
SIPcrack is a SIP protocol login cracker
app-crypt asleap
exploiting cisco leap; As in asleap behind the wheel.
app-crypt pyrit
A GPU-based WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK cracking tool
app-dicts aspell-en
English (US, British, Canadian) language dictionary for aspell
app-dicts myspell-en
English dictionaries for myspell/hunspell
app-dicts raft-wordlists
Raft wordlists
app-editors gedit
A text editor for the GNOME desktop
app-editors ghex
GNOME hexadecimal editor
app-editors hexedit
View and edit files in hex or ASCII
app-editors leafpad
A simple GTK2 text editor
app-editors nano
GNU GPL'd Pico clone with more functionality
app-editors vim
Vim, an improved vi-style text editor
app-editors vim-core
vim and gvim shared files
app-emulation virtualbox-guest-additions
VirtualBox kernel modules and user-space tools for Gentoo guests
app-emulation wine
Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix
app-exploits shellstorm
Search and display all shellcodes in shell-storm database.
app-forensics afflib
Library that implements the AFF image standard
app-forensics autopsy
A graphical interface to the digital forensic analysis tools in The Sleuth Kit
app-forensics cmospwd
CmosPwd decrypts password stored in cmos used to access BIOS SETUP
app-forensics foremost
A console program to recover files based on their headers and footers
app-forensics galleta
IE Cookie Parser
app-forensics libbfio
Library for providing a basic file input/output abstraction layer
app-forensics libewf
Implementation of the EWF (SMART and EnCase) image format
app-forensics memdump
Simple memory dumper for UNIX-Like systems
app-forensics pasco
IE Activity Parser
app-forensics rdd
Rdd is a forensic copy program
app-forensics sleuthkit
A collection of file system and media management forensic analysis tools
app-forensics dff
A digital forensics framework which aims to analyze and recover any kind of digital artifact.
app-forensics inception
Firewire physical memory manipulation tool exploiting IEEE 1394 SBP-2 DMA
app-forensics libforensic1394
Library for carrying out memory forensics using firewire/ieee1394.
app-forensics libpff
Library for accessing Personal Folder Files.
app-forensics libvshadow
Library and tools to support the Volume Shadow Snapshot (VSS) format.
app-forensics make-pdf
This tool will embed javascript inside a PDF document
app-forensics origami-pdf
A Ruby framework designed to parse, analyze, and forge PDF documents
app-forensics pdf-parser
This tool will parse a PDF document to identify the fundamental elements used
app-forensics pdfid
This tool will scan a PDF document looking for certain keyword
app-forensics volatility
Forensic tool for analyzing volatile memory
app-fuzz Peach
A generic fuzzer framework
app-fuzz bed
BED is a multi-protocol fuzzer written in perl
app-fuzz bss
Bluetooth stack smasher / fuzzer
app-fuzz fuzzdb
Attack and Discovery Pattern Database for Application Fuzz Testing
app-fuzz fuzzer-server
A html/wml fuzzer for proxy or client
app-fuzz http-fuzz
A http fuzzer
app-fuzz ohrwurm
Ohrwurm is a small and simple RTP fuzzer
app-fuzz slowhttptest
Application Layer DoS attack simulator
app-fuzz smtp-fuzz
A smtp fuzzer
app-fuzz smudge
Smudge is basically a port of SPIKE into python scripts
app-laptop radeontool
Manage the backlight, external video output and registers of ATI Radeon graphics cards
app-misc ca-certificates
Common CA Certificates PEM files
app-misc editor-wrapper
Wrapper scripts that will execute EDITOR or PAGER
app-misc hivex
Library for reading and writing Windows Registry 'hive' binary files
app-misc livecd-tools
Gentoo LiveCD tools for autoconfiguration of hardware
app-misc mc
GNU Midnight Commander is a text based file manager
app-misc mime-types
Provides /etc/mime.types file
app-misc pax-utils
ELF related utils for ELF 32/64 binaries that can check files for security relevant properties
app-misc screen
Full-screen window manager that multiplexes physical terminals between several processes
app-misc wipe
Secure file wiping utility based on Peter Gutman's patterns
app-misc dradis
A framework for effective information sharing
app-mobilephone dfu-util
implements the Host (PC) side of the USB DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) protocol
app-mobilephone obex-data-server
A DBus service providing easy to use API for using OBEX
app-office libreoffice
LibreOffice, a full office productivity suite
app-office libreoffice-l10n
Translations for the Libreoffice suite
app-pda ideviceinstaller
A tool to interact with the installation_proxy of an Apple's iDevice
app-pda ifuse
Mount Apple iPhone/iPod Touch file systems for backup purposes
app-pda libimobiledevice
Support library to communicate with Apple iPhone/iPod Touch devices
app-pda libplist
Support library to deal with Apple Property Lists (Binary & XML)
app-pda libusbmuxd
USB multiplex daemon for use with Apple iPhone/iPod Touch devices
app-pda usbmuxd
USB multiplex daemon for use with Apple iPhone/iPod Touch devices
app-portage eix
Search and query ebuilds, portage incl. local settings, ext. overlays, version changes, and more
app-portage gentoolkit
Collection of administration scripts for Gentoo
app-portage gentoopm
A common interface to Gentoo package managers
app-portage layman
Tool to manage Gentoo overlays
app-portage mirrorselect
Tool to help select distfiles mirrors for Gentoo
app-portage portage-utils
small and fast portage helper tools written in C
app-portage porthole
A GTK+-based frontend to Portage
app-portage smart-live-rebuild
Check live packages for updates and emerge them as necessary
app-shells bash
The standard GNU Bourne again shell
app-shells bash-completion
Programmable Completion for bash
app-shells gentoo-bashcomp
Gentoo-specific bash command-line completions (emerge, ebuild, equery, repoman, layman, etc)
app-shells push
A POSIX shell function to treat a variable like an array, quoting args
app-text asciidoc
A text document format for writing short documents, articles, books and UNIX man pages
app-text aspell
A spell checker replacement for ispell
app-text build-docbook-catalog
DocBook XML catalog auto-updater
app-text docbook-xml-dtd
Docbook DTD for XML
app-text docbook-xsl-stylesheets
XSL Stylesheets for Docbook
app-text dos2unix
Convert DOS or MAC text files to UNIX format or vice versa
app-text dvipsk
DVI-to-PostScript translator
app-text enchant
Spellchecker wrapping library
app-text evince
Simple document viewer for GNOME
app-text ghostscript-gpl
Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF
app-text gnome-doc-utils
A collection of documentation utilities for the Gnome project
app-text gtkspell
Spell checking widget for GTK
app-text hunspell
Hunspell spell checker - an improved replacement for myspell in OOo
app-text iso-codes
ISO language, territory, currency, script codes and their translations
app-text libabw
Library parsing abiword documents
app-text libebook
Library parsing various ebook formats
app-text libetonyek
Library parsing Apple Keynote presentations
app-text libexttextcat
Library implementing N-gram-based text categorization
app-text liblangtag
An interface library to access tags for identifying languages
app-text libmspub
Library parsing Microsoft Publisher documents
app-text libmwaw
Library parsing many pre-OSX MAC text formats
app-text libodfgen
Library to generate ODF documents from libwpd and libwpg
app-text libpaper
Library for handling paper characteristics
app-text libspectre
A library for rendering Postscript documents
app-text libwpd
WordPerfect Document import/export library
app-text libwpg
C++ library to read and parse graphics in WPG
app-text libwps
Microsoft Works file word processor format import filter library
app-text mythes
A simple thesaurus for Libreoffice
app-text openjade
Jade is an implementation of DSSSL - an ISO standard for formatting SGML and XML documents
app-text opensp
A free, object-oriented toolkit for SGML parsing and entity management
app-text pdfminer
Python tool for extracting information from PDF documents
app-text po4a
Tools for helping translation of documentation
app-text poppler
PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base
app-text poppler-data
Data files for poppler to support uncommon encodings without xpdfrc
app-text ps2pkm
Tool that converts a PostScript type1 font into a corresponding TeX PK font
app-text qpdf
A command-line program that does structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files
app-text rarian
A documentation metadata library
app-text rman
PolyGlotMan man page translator AKA RosettaMan
app-text scrollkeeper
Dummy scrollkeeper for testing rarian
app-text scrollkeeper-dtd
DTD from the Scrollkeeper package
app-text sgml-common
Base ISO character entities and utilities for SGML
app-text texlive-core
A complete TeX distribution
app-text uudeview
uu, xx, base64, binhex decoder
app-text wgetpaste
Command-line interface to various pastebins
app-text xmlto
script for converting XML and DocBook formatted documents to a variety of output formats
app-text yelp-tools
Collection of tools for building and converting documentation
app-text cewl
A custom word list generator
app-vim gentoo-syntax
vim plugin: Gentoo and portage related syntax highlighting, filetype, and indent settings
dev-cpp atkmm
C++ interface for the ATK library
dev-cpp cairomm
C++ bindings for the Cairo vector graphics library
dev-cpp clucene
High-performance, full-featured text search engine based off of lucene in C++
dev-cpp glibmm
C++ interface for glib2
dev-cpp gtkmm
C++ interface for GTK+
dev-cpp libcmis
C++ client library for the CMIS interface
dev-cpp libmcpp
A portable C++ preprocessor
dev-cpp pangomm
C++ interface for pango
dev-db freetds
Tabular Datastream Library
dev-db mysql
A fast, multi-threaded, multi-user SQL database server
dev-db mysql-init-scripts
Gentoo MySQL init scripts
dev-db postgresql-base
PostgreSQL libraries and clients
dev-db postgresql-server
PostgreSQL server
dev-db sqlite
A SQL Database Engine in a C Library
dev-db sqlitebrowser
SQLite Database Browser
dev-db unixODBC
A complete ODBC driver manager
dev-db minimysqlator
Minimysqlator is a MySQL injection tools that facilitates the retrieval of DB and more
dev-db mssqlscan
A small multi-threaded tool that scans for Microsoft SQL Servers
dev-db oat
a toolkit that could be used to audit security within Oracle database servers
dev-db sqlibf
Tool for automatizing the work of detecting and exploiting SQL Injection vulnerabilities
dev-db sqlmap
A tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws
dev-java ant-core
Java-based build tool similar to 'make' that uses XML configuration files
dev-java ant-nodeps
Formerly Ant's optional tasks w/o external deps, now compat empty jar
dev-java icedtea-bin
A Gentoo-made binary build of the IcedTea JDK
dev-java icedtea-web
FOSS Java browser plugin and Web Start implementation
dev-java jad-bin
Jad - The fast JAva Decompiler
dev-java java-config
Java environment configuration query tool
dev-java java-config-wrapper
Wrapper for java-config
dev-java javahelp
The JavaHelp system online help system
dev-java javatoolkit
Collection of Gentoo-specific tools for Java
dev-java junit
Simple framework to write repeatable tests
dev-java log4j
A low-overhead robust logging package for Java
dev-java swt
GTK based SWT Library
dev-java tomcat-servlet-api
Tomcat's Servlet API 3.0/JSP API 2.2 implementation
dev-lang lua
A powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications
dev-lang nasm
groovy little assembler
dev-lang orc
The Oil Runtime Compiler, a just-in-time compiler for array operations
dev-lang perl
Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language
dev-lang php
The PHP language runtime engine: CLI, CGI, FPM/FastCGI, Apache2 and embed SAPIs
dev-lang python
An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
dev-lang python-exec
Python script wrapper
dev-lang ruby
An object-oriented scripting language
dev-lang spidermonkey
Stand-alone JavaScript C library
dev-lang swig
Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
dev-lang tcl
Tool Command Language
dev-lang tk
Tk Widget Set
dev-lang vala
Compiler for the GObject type system
dev-lang yasm
An assembler for x86 and x86_64 instruction sets
dev-libs DirectFB
Thin library on top of the Linux framebuffer devices
dev-libs Ice
ICE middleware C++ library and generator tools
dev-libs apr
Apache Portable Runtime Library
dev-libs apr-util
Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library
dev-libs atk
GTK+ & GNOME Accessibility Toolkit
dev-libs boost
Boost Libraries for C++
dev-libs cyrus-sasl
The Cyrus SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
dev-libs dbus-glib
D-Bus bindings for glib
dev-libs distorm64
The ultimate disassembler library (X86-32, X86-64)
dev-libs dotconf
dot.conf configuration file parser
dev-libs elfutils
Libraries/utilities to handle ELF objects (drop in replacement for libelf)
dev-libs expat
XML parsing libraries
dev-libs geoip
easily lookup countries by IP addresses, even when Reverse DNS entries don't exist
dev-libs glib
The GLib library of C routines
dev-libs gmp
Library for arithmetic on arbitrary precision integers, rational numbers, and floating-point numbers
dev-libs gobject-introspection
Introspection infrastructure for generating gobject library bindings for various languages
dev-libs gobject-introspection-common
Build infrastructure for GObject Introspection
dev-libs hyphen
ALTLinux hyphenation library
dev-libs icu
International Components for Unicode
dev-libs ilbc-rfc3951
iLBC (internet Low Bitrate Codec) is a speech codec suitable for robust voice communication over IP
dev-libs iniparser
A free stand-alone ini file parsing library
dev-libs json-c
A JSON implementation in C
dev-libs json-glib
A library providing GLib serialization and deserialization support for the JSON format
dev-libs jsoncpp
C++ JSON reader and writer
dev-libs keybinder
A library for registering global keyboard shortcuts
dev-libs kpathsea
Library implementing generic path searching, configuration, and TeX-specific file searching
dev-libs libIDL
CORBA tree builder
dev-libs libaio
Asynchronous input/output library that uses the kernels native interface
dev-libs libassuan
IPC library used by GnuPG and GPGME
dev-libs libatasmart
A small and lightweight parser library for ATA S.M.A.R.T. hard disks
dev-libs libatomic_ops
Implementation for atomic memory update operations
dev-libs libbsd
An library to provide useful functions commonly found on BSD systems
dev-libs libburn
Libburn is an open-source library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
dev-libs libcdio
A library to encapsulate CD-ROM reading and control
dev-libs libcdio-paranoia
an advanced CDDA reader with error correction
dev-libs libcroco
Generic Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) parsing and manipulation toolkit
dev-libs libdnet
simplified, portable interface to several low-level networking routines
dev-libs libebml
Extensible binary format library (kinda like XML)
dev-libs libev
A high-performance event loop/event model with lots of feature
dev-libs libevent
A library to execute a function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor
dev-libs libffi
a portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions
dev-libs libgamin
Library providing the FAM File Alteration Monitor API
dev-libs libgcrypt
General purpose crypto library based on the code used in GnuPG
dev-libs libgpg-error
Contains error handling functions used by GnuPG software
dev-libs libical
An implementation of basic iCAL protocols from citadel, previously known as aurore
dev-libs libisofs
libisofs is an open-source library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
dev-libs libixion
General purpose formula parser & interpreter
dev-libs libksba
X.509 and CMS (PKCS#7) library
dev-libs liblinear
A Library for Large Linear Classification
dev-libs libmcrypt
libmcrypt is a library that provides uniform interface to access several encryption algorithms
dev-libs libnl
A collection of libraries providing APIs to netlink protocol based Linux kernel interfaces
dev-libs liborcus
Standalone file import filter library for spreadsheet documents
dev-libs libpcre
Perl-compatible regular expression library
dev-libs libpeas
A GObject plugins library
dev-libs libpipeline
a pipeline manipulation library
dev-libs libpthread-stubs
Pthread functions stubs for platforms missing them
dev-libs libsigc++
Typesafe callback system for standard C++
dev-libs libtasn1
ASN.1 library
dev-libs libtecla
Tecla command-line editing library
dev-libs libunique
a library for writing single instance application
dev-libs libusb
Userspace access to USB devices
dev-libs libusb-compat
Userspace access to USB devices (libusb-0.1 compat wrapper)
dev-libs libverto
Main event loop abstraction library
dev-libs libxml2
Version 2 of the library to manipulate XML files
dev-libs libxslt
XSLT libraries and tools
dev-libs libyaml
YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
dev-libs libzip
Library for manipulating zip archives
dev-libs log4cpp
Library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations
dev-libs lzo
An extremely fast compression and decompression library
dev-libs mpc
A library for multiprecision complex arithmetic with exact rounding
dev-libs mpfr
library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with exact rounding
dev-libs nettle
Low-level cryptographic library
dev-libs nspr
Netscape Portable Runtime
dev-libs nss
Mozilla's Network Security Services library that implements PKI support
dev-libs oniguruma
a regular expression library for different character encodings
dev-libs openobex
An implementation of the OBEX protocol used for transferring data to mobile devices
dev-libs openssl
full-strength general purpose cryptography library (including SSL and TLS)
dev-libs popt
Parse Options - Command line parser
dev-libs pth
GNU Portable Threads
dev-libs rasqal
library that handles Resource Description Framework (RDF)
dev-libs re2
An efficent, principled regular expression library
dev-libs redland
High-level interface for the Resource Description Framework
dev-libs vala-common
Build infrastructure for packages that use Vala
dev-libs zziplib
Lightweight library used to easily extract data from files archived in a single zip file
dev-perl Archive-Zip
A wrapper that lets you read Zip archive members as if they were files
dev-perl Authen-SASL
A Perl SASL interface
dev-perl Crypt-DES
Crypt::DES module for perl
dev-perl Crypt-PasswdMD5
Provides interoperable MD5-based crypt() functions
dev-perl Crypt-SSLeay
Crypt::SSLeay module for perl
dev-perl DBD-mysql
The Perl DBD:mysql Module
dev-perl DBI
The Perl DBI Module
dev-perl DateManip
Perl date manipulation routines
dev-perl Digest-HMAC
Keyed Hashing for Message Authentication
dev-perl Digest-SHA1
NIST SHA message digest algorithm
dev-perl Encode-Locale
Determine the locale encoding
dev-perl Error
Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
dev-perl File-BaseDir
Use the Freedesktop.org base directory specification
dev-perl File-DesktopEntry
Object to handle .desktop files
dev-perl File-Listing
Parse directory listings
dev-perl File-MimeInfo
Determine file type
dev-perl HTML-Form
Class that represents an HTML form element
dev-perl HTML-Parser
Parse section of HTML documents
dev-perl HTML-Tagset
Data tables useful in parsing HTML
dev-perl HTML-Tree
A library to manage HTML-Tree in PERL
dev-perl HTTP-Cookies
Storage of cookies
dev-perl HTTP-DAV
A WebDAV client library for Perl5
dev-perl HTTP-Daemon
Base class for simple HTTP servers
dev-perl HTTP-Date
Date conversion for HTTP date formats
dev-perl HTTP-Message
Base class for Request/Response
dev-perl HTTP-Negotiate
HTTP content negotiation
dev-perl IO-Interface
Perl extension for access to network card configuration information
dev-perl IO-Multiplex
Manage IO on many file handles
dev-perl IO-Socket-INET6
Work with IO sockets in ipv6
dev-perl IO-Socket-SSL
Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET
dev-perl IO-stringy
A Perl module for I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays
dev-perl JSON
parse and convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
dev-perl LWP-MediaTypes
Media types and mailcap processing
dev-perl LWP-Protocol-https
Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent
dev-perl List-MoreUtils
Provide the missing functionality from List::Util
dev-perl Locale-gettext
A Perl module for accessing the GNU locale utilities
dev-perl Net-DNS
Perl Net::DNS - Perl DNS Resolver Module
dev-perl Net-Daemon
Abstract base class for portable servers
dev-perl Net-HTTP
Low-level HTTP connection (client)
dev-perl Net-IP
Perl extension for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 addresses
dev-perl Net-Netmask
Parse, manipulate and lookup IP network blocks
dev-perl Net-Pcap
Perl Net::Pcap - Perl binding to the LBL pcap
dev-perl Net-PcapUtils
Perl Net::PcapUtils - Net::Pcap library utils
dev-perl Net-RawIP
Perl Net::RawIP - Raw IP packets manipulation Module
dev-perl Net-SMTP-SSL
SSL support for Net::SMTP
dev-perl Net-SNMP
A SNMP Perl Module
dev-perl Net-SSLeay
Net::SSLeay module for perl
dev-perl Net-Whois-IP
Perl extension for looking up the whois information for ip addresses
dev-perl NetPacket
Perl NetPacket - network packets assembly/disassembly
dev-perl PlRPC
The Perl RPC Module
dev-perl Proc-Daemon
Perl Proc-Daemon - Run Perl program as a daemon process
dev-perl Proc-Simple
Perl Proc-Simple - Launch and control background processes
dev-perl RPC-XML
An implementation of XML-RPC
dev-perl SGMLSpm
Perl library for parsing the output of nsgmls
dev-perl Socket6
IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
dev-perl Term-ReadLine-Perl
Quick implementation of readline utilities
dev-perl TermReadKey
Change terminal modes, and perform non-blocking reads
dev-perl Text-CharWidth
Get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal
dev-perl Text-Iconv
A Perl interface to the iconv() codeset conversion function
dev-perl Text-WrapI18N
Internationalized substitute of Text::Wrap
dev-perl Tie-IxHash
Ordered associative arrays for Perl
dev-perl URI
A URI Perl Module
dev-perl Unicode-String
String manipulation for Unicode strings
dev-perl Unix-Syslog
A Perl module which provides access to the system logger
dev-perl WWW-Mechanize
Handy web browsing in a Perl object
dev-perl WWW-RobotRules
Parse /robots.txt file
dev-perl XML-DOM
A Perl module for an DOM Level 1 compliant interface
dev-perl XML-Filter-BufferText
Filter to put all characters() in one event
dev-perl XML-Handler-YAWriter
A Perl module providing a simple API to parsed XML instances
dev-perl XML-LibXML
A Perl module to parse XSL Transformational sheets using gnome's libXSLT
dev-perl XML-NamespaceSupport
A Perl module that offers a simple to process namespaced XML names
dev-perl XML-Parser
A Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat
dev-perl XML-RegExp
Regular expressions for XML tokens
dev-perl XML-SAX
Perl module for using and building Perl SAX2 XML parsers, filters, and drivers
dev-perl XML-SAX-Base
Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
dev-perl XML-SAX-Writer
SAX2 Writer
dev-perl XML-Simple
XML::Simple - Easy API to read/write XML (esp config files)
dev-perl XML-Twig
Process huge XML documents in tree mode
dev-perl XML-Writer
XML Writer Perl Module
dev-perl XML-XPath
A XPath Perl Module
dev-perl extutils-depends
Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
dev-perl extutils-pkgconfig
Simplistic perl interface to pkg-config
dev-perl glib-perl
Glib - Perl wrappers for the GLib utility and Object libraries
dev-perl libwww-perl
A collection of Perl Modules for the WWW
dev-perl libxml-perl
Collection of Perl modules for working with XML
dev-perl net-server
Extensible, general Perl server engine
dev-perl perl-tk
A Perl Module for Tk
dev-python 3to2
Refactors valid 3.x syntax into valid 2.x syntax, if a syntactical conversion is possible
dev-python PyGithub
Python library to access the Github API v3
dev-python PyQt4
Python bindings for the Qt toolkit
dev-python async
Async Framework
dev-python beautifulsoup
Provides pythonic idioms for iterating, searching, and modifying an HTML/XML parse tree
dev-python blinker
Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
dev-python charade
Universal encoding detector for python 2 and 3 (fork of chardet)
dev-python chardet
Universal encoding detector
dev-python cheetah
Python-powered template engine and code generator
dev-python cython
A Python to C compiler
dev-python dbus-python
Python bindings for the D-Bus messagebus
dev-python decorator
Simplifies the usage of decorators for the average programmer
dev-python dnspython
DNS toolkit for Python
dev-python docutils
Python Documentation Utilities
dev-python flask
A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions
dev-python fpconst
Python Module for handling IEEE 754 floating point special values
dev-python futures
Backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python 3.2
dev-python git-python
GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories
dev-python gitdb
GitDB is a pure-Python git object database
dev-python gnuplot-py
A python wrapper for Gnuplot
dev-python gst-python
A Python Interface to GStreamer
dev-python ipython
Advanced interactive shell for Python
dev-python itsdangerous
Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back
dev-python jinja
A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure Python
dev-python lxml
A Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries
dev-python m2crypto
M2Crypto: A Python crypto and SSL toolkit
dev-python mako
A Python templating language
dev-python markdown
Python implementation of the markdown markup language
dev-python markupsafe
Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
dev-python matplotlib
Pure python plotting library with matlab like syntax
dev-python msgpack
MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
dev-python netaddr
Network address representation and manipulation library
dev-python netlib
Collection of network utility classes used by pathod and mitmproxy
dev-python nltk
Natural Language Toolkit
dev-python numpy
Fast array and numerical python library
dev-python paramiko
SSH2 protocol library
dev-python pexpect
Python module for spawning child applications and responding to expected patterns
dev-python pillow
Python Imaging Library (fork)
dev-python ply
Python Lex-Yacc library
dev-python pyasn1
ASN.1 library for Python
dev-python pybloomfiltermmap
A Bloom filter (bloomfilter) for Python built on mmap
dev-python pybluez
Python bindings for Bluez Bluetooth Stack
dev-python pycairo
Python bindings for the cairo library
dev-python pycrypto
Python Cryptography Toolkit
dev-python pycurl
python binding for curl/libcurl
dev-python pycxx
Set of facilities to extend Python with C++
dev-python pyelftools
pure-Python library for parsing and analyzing ELF files and DWARF debugging information
dev-python pyenchant
Python bindings for the Enchant spellchecking system
dev-python pygments
Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python
dev-python pygobject
GLib's GObject library bindings for Python
dev-python pygraphviz
Python wrapper for the Graphviz Agraph data structure
dev-python pygtk
GTK+2 bindings for Python
dev-python pygtksourceview
GTK+2 bindings for Python
dev-python pymssql
Simple MSSQL python extension module
dev-python pyopengl
Python OpenGL bindings
dev-python pyopenssl
Python interface to the OpenSSL library
dev-python pyparsing
pyparsing is an easy-to-use Python module for text parsing
dev-python pypax
Python module to get or set either PT_PAX and/or XATTR_PAX flags
dev-python pyqwt
Python bindings for the Qwt library
dev-python pyserial
Python Serial Port Extension
dev-python pyside
Python bindings for the Qt framework
dev-python pysnmp
Python SNMP library
dev-python pysvn
Object-oriented python bindings for subversion
dev-python python-cluster
Allows grouping a list of arbitrary objects into related groups (clusters)
dev-python python-dateutil
Extensions to the standard Python datetime module
dev-python pytz
World timezone definitions for Python
dev-python pyusb
USB support for Python
dev-python pyx
Python package for the generation of encapsulated PostScript figures
dev-python pyxattr
Python interface to xattr
dev-python pyyaml
YAML parser and emitter for Python
dev-python pyzmq
PyZMQ is a lightweight and super-fast messaging library built on top of the ZeroMQ library
dev-python reportlab
Tools for generating printable PDF documents from any data source
dev-python requests
HTTP library for human beings
dev-python setuptools
a collection of extensions to Distutils
dev-python shiboken
A tool for creating Python bindings for C++ libraries
dev-python simplegeneric
Simple generic functions for Python
dev-python simplejson
Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
dev-python sip
Python extension module generator for C and C++ libraries
dev-python six
Python 2 and 3 compatibility library
dev-python smmap
A pure git implementation of a sliding window memory map manager
dev-python soappy
SOAP Services for Python
dev-python twisted-core
An asynchronous networking framework written in Python
dev-python twisted-web
Twisted web server, programmable in Python
dev-python urwid
Urwid is a curses-based user interface library for Python
dev-python werkzeug
Collection of various utilities for WSGI applications
dev-python wstools
WSDL parsing services package for Web Services for Python
dev-python wxpython
A blending of the wxWindows C++ class library with Python
dev-python esmre
Regular expression accelerator
dev-python guess-language
Guess the natural language of a text
dev-python halberd
HTTP load balancer detector
dev-python impacket
A collection of Python classes focused on providing access to network packets
dev-python nassl
Experimental Python wrapper for OpenSSL
dev-python phply
Parser for PHP written using PLY
dev-python python-ntlm
Clamd is a python interface to Clamd (Clamav daemon)
dev-python xdot
Interactive viewer for Graphviz dot files
dev-qt designer
WYSIWYG tool for designing and building Qt-based GUIs
dev-qt qt3support
The Qt3Support module for the Qt toolkit
dev-qt qtcore
Cross-platform application development framework
dev-qt qtdbus
The D-Bus module for the Qt5 framework
dev-qt qtdeclarative
The QML and Quick modules for the Qt5 framework
dev-qt qtgui
The GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework
dev-qt qtopengl
OpenGL support library for the Qt5 framework
dev-qt qtscript
Application scripting library for the Qt5 framework
dev-qt qtsql
SQL abstraction library for the Qt5 tooolkit
dev-qt qtsvg
SVG rendering library for the Qt5 framework
dev-qt qttest
Unit testing library for the Qt5 framework
dev-qt qtwebkit
WebKit rendering library for the Qt5 framework
dev-qt qtxmlpatterns
XPath, XQuery, and XSLT support library for the Qt5 framework
dev-ruby abstract
Library which enable you to define abstract method in Ruby
dev-ruby activemodel
A toolkit for building modeling frameworks like Active Record and Active Resource
dev-ruby activerecord
Implements the ActiveRecord pattern (Fowler, PoEAA) for ORM
dev-ruby activesupport
Utility Classes and Extension to the Standard Library
dev-ruby addressable
A replacement for the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library
dev-ruby ansi
A superlative collection of ANSI escape code
dev-ruby arel
Arel is a Relational Algebra for Ruby
dev-ruby awesome_print
Ruby library that pretty prints Ruby objects in full color with proper indentation
dev-ruby bcrypt-ruby
An easy way to keep your users' passwords secure
dev-ruby builder
A builder to facilitate programatic generation of XML markup
dev-ruby bundler
An easy way to vendor gem dependencies
dev-ruby daemons
Wrap existing ruby scripts to be run as a daemon
dev-ruby diff-lcs
Use the McIlroy-Hunt LCS algorithm to compute differences
dev-ruby erubis
Erubis is an implementation of eRuby
dev-ruby ethon
Very lightweight libcurl wrapper
dev-ruby eventmachine
EventMachine is a fast, simple event-processing library for Ruby programs
dev-ruby execjs
ExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby
dev-ruby faraday
HTTP/REST API client library with pluggable components
dev-ruby fast_xs
fast_xs text escaping library ruby bindings
dev-ruby ffi
Ruby extension for programmatically loading dynamic libraries
dev-ruby highline
Highline is a high-level command-line IO library for ruby
dev-ruby hoe
Hoe extends rake to provide full project automation
dev-ruby hpricot
A fast and liberal HTML parser for Ruby
dev-ruby i18n
Add Internationalization support to your Ruby application
dev-ruby json
A JSON implementation as a Ruby extension
dev-ruby kissfft
ruby interface to kissfft
dev-ruby mail
An email handling library
dev-ruby metasploit_data_models
The database layer for Metasploit
dev-ruby meterpreter_bins
Compiled binaries for Metasploit's Meterpreter
dev-ruby mime-types
Provides a mailcap-like MIME Content-Type lookup for Ruby
dev-ruby minitest
minitest/unit is a small and fast replacement for ruby's huge and slow test/unit
dev-ruby msgpack
Binary-based efficient data interchange format for ruby binding
dev-ruby multi_json
A gem to provide swappable JSON backends
dev-ruby multipart-post
Adds a streamy multipart form post capability to Net::HTTP
dev-ruby network_interface
network_interface layer from metasploit pcaprub
dev-ruby nokogiri
Nokogiri is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser
dev-ruby packetfu
A mid-level packet manipulation library
dev-ruby pcaprub
Libpcap bindings for ruby compat
dev-ruby pg
Ruby extension library providing an API to PostgreSQL
dev-ruby pkg-config
A pkg-config implementation by Ruby
dev-ruby polyglot
Polyglot provides support for fully-custom DSLs
dev-ruby racc
A LALR(1) parser generator for Ruby
dev-ruby rack
A modular Ruby webserver interface
dev-ruby rack-protection
This gem protects against typical web attacks
dev-ruby rack-test
Rack::Test is a small, simple testing API for Rack apps
dev-ruby rake
Make-like scripting in Ruby
dev-ruby rake-compiler
Provide a standard and simplified way to build and package Ruby extensions
dev-ruby rb-readline
Ruby implementation of the GNU readline C library,
dev-ruby rcairo
Ruby bindings for cairo
dev-ruby rdoc
An extended version of the RDoc library from Ruby 1.8
dev-ruby redcarpet
A Ruby wrapper for Upskirt
dev-ruby rexical
Rexical is a lexical scanner generator
dev-ruby rjb
Rjb is a Ruby-Java software bridge
dev-ruby rkelly-remix
RKelly Remix is a fork of the RKelly JavaScript parser
dev-ruby robots
A simple Ruby library to parse robots.txt
dev-ruby rspec
A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby
dev-ruby rspec-core
A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby
dev-ruby rspec-expectations
A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby
dev-ruby rspec-mocks
A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby
dev-ruby ruby-atk
Ruby Atk bindings
dev-ruby ruby-gdkpixbuf2
Ruby GdkPixbuf2 bindings
dev-ruby ruby-gio2
Ruby binding of GooCanvas
dev-ruby ruby-glib2
Ruby Glib2 bindings
dev-ruby ruby-gtk2
Ruby Gtk2 bindings
dev-ruby ruby-pango
Ruby Pango bindings
dev-ruby ruby-progressbar
A Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
dev-ruby rubygems
Centralized Ruby extension management system
dev-ruby rubyzip
A ruby library for reading and writing zip files
dev-ruby simple_oauth
Simply builds and verifies OAuth headers
dev-ruby sinatra
Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.
dev-ruby sqlite3
An extension library to access a SQLite database from Ruby
dev-ruby term-ansicolor
Small Ruby library that colors strings using ANSI escape sequences
dev-ruby tilt
A thin interface over a Ruby template engines to make their usage as generic as possible
dev-ruby treetop
Treetop is a language for describing languages
dev-ruby twitter
Ruby wrapper around the Twitter API
dev-ruby typhoeus
Typhoeus runs HTTP requests in parallel while cleanly encapsulating handling logic.
dev-ruby tzinfo
Daylight-savings aware timezone library
dev-ruby uglifier
Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
dev-ruby yard
Documentation generation tool for the Ruby programming language
dev-ruby arachni-rpc
Arachni-RPC is a simple and lightweight Remote Procedure Call protocol
dev-ruby arachni-rpc-em
EventMachine-based client and server implementation of Arachni-RPC
dev-ruby backports
Enables many features of Ruby for earlier versions
dev-ruby data_objects
The Core DataObjects class
dev-ruby dm-core
An Object/Relational Mapper for Ruby
dev-ruby dm-do-adapter
A DataObjects Adapter for DataMapper
dev-ruby dm-migrations
DataMapper plugin for writing and specing migrations
dev-ruby dm-sqlite-adapter
Sqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper
dev-ruby do_sqlite3
Implements the DataObjects API for Sqlite3
dev-ruby em-synchrony
Fiber aware EventMachine libraries
dev-ruby em-websocket
EventMachine based WebSocket server
dev-ruby http_configuration
set configuration for Net::HTTP
dev-ruby jsmin
Ruby implementation of Douglas Crockford's JSMin JavaScript minifier
dev-ruby librex
Rex provides a variety of classes useful for security testing and exploit development
dev-ruby mini_exiftool
wrapper for exiftool
dev-ruby msfrpc-client
This gem provides a Ruby client API to access the Rapid7 Metasploit Pro RPC service
dev-ruby parseconfig
Provides simple parsing of standard *nix style config files.
dev-ruby pony
Send email in one command
dev-ruby sinatra-contrib
Collection of useful Sinatra extensions
dev-ruby spider
web spidering library
dev-ruby sys-proctable
An interface for providing process table information
dev-ruby terminal-table
Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library
dev-scheme guile
GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions
dev-tcltk blt
Extension to Tk, adding new widgets, geometry managers, and misc commands
dev-tcltk tix
A widget library for Tcl/Tk
dev-tex bibtexu
8-bit Implementation of BibTeX 0.99 with a Very Large Capacity
dev-tex luatex
An extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded scripting language
dev-texlive texlive-basic
TeXLive Essential programs and files
dev-texlive texlive-documentation-base
TeXLive TeX Live documentation
dev-util android-sdk-update-manager
Open Handset Alliance's Android SDK
dev-util android-tools
Android platform tools (adb and fastboot)
dev-util boost-build
A system for large project software construction, which is simple to use and powerful
dev-util cmake
Cross platform Make
dev-util cppunit
C++ port of the famous JUnit framework for unit testing
dev-util ctags
Exuberant Ctags creates tags files for code browsing in editors
dev-util desktop-file-utils
Command line utilities to work with desktop menu entries
dev-util dialog
tool to display dialog boxes from a shell
dev-util gdbus-codegen
GDBus code and documentation generator
dev-util gperf
A perfect hash function generator
dev-util gtk-doc-am
Automake files from gtk-doc
dev-util intltool
Internationalization Tool Collection
dev-util itstool
Translation tool for XML documents that uses gettext files and ITS rules
dev-util kbuild
A makefile framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
dev-util ltrace
trace library calls made at runtime
dev-util mdds
A collection of multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithm
dev-util ninja
A small build system similar to make
dev-util pkgconfig
Package config system that manages compile/link flags
dev-util ragel
Compiles finite state machines from regular languages into executable code
dev-util re2c
tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressions
dev-util scons
Extensible Python-based build utility
dev-util skipfish
A fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool
dev-util strace
A useful diagnostic, instructional, and debugging tool
dev-util xfce4-dev-tools
A set of scripts and m4/autoconf macros that ease build system maintenance
dev-util apktool
A tool for reengineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps.
dev-util capstone
A lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
dev-util dex2jar
Tools to work with android .dex and java .class files
dev-util edb
EDB "Evan's Debugger" (OllyDbg workalike for Linux)
dev-util jd-gui-bin
A standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of .class file
dev-util metasm
Metasm is a cross-architecture assembler, disassembler, compiler, linker and debugger
dev-util radare2
Advanced command line hexadecimal editor and more
dev-vcs git
GIT - the stupid content tracker, the revision control system heavily used by the Linux kernel team
dev-vcs mercurial
Scalable distributed SCM
dev-vcs subversion
Advanced version control system
gnome-base gconf
GNOME configuration system and daemon
gnome-base gnome-common
Common files for development of Gnome packages
gnome-base gnome-keyring
Password and keyring managing daemon
gnome-base gnome-menus
Library for the Desktop Menu fd.o specification
gnome-base gnome-mime-data
MIME data for Gnome
gnome-base gnome-vfs
Gnome Virtual Filesystem
gnome-base gsettings-desktop-schemas
Collection of GSettings schemas for GNOME desktop
gnome-base gvfs
Virtual filesystem implementation for gio
gnome-base libbonobo
GNOME CORBA framework
gnome-base libbonoboui
User Interface part of libbonobo
gnome-base libglade
Library to construct graphical interfaces at runtime
gnome-base libgnome
Essential Gnome Libraries
gnome-base libgnome-keyring
Compatibility library for accessing secrets
gnome-base libgnomecanvas
The Gnome 2 Canvas library
gnome-base libgnomeui
User Interface routines for Gnome
gnome-base libgtop
A library that provides top functionality to applications
gnome-base librsvg
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) rendering library
gnome-base orbit
ORBit2 is a high-performance CORBA ORB
gnome-extra nm-applet
GNOME applet for NetworkManager
gnome-extra polkit-gnome
A dbus session bus service that is used to bring up authentication dialogs
gnome-extra yelp-xsl
XSL stylesheets for yelp
java-virtuals servlet-api
Virtual for servlet api
mail-client thunderbird-bin
Thunderbird Mail Client
mail-mta ssmtp
Extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a Mailhub
media-fonts corefonts
Microsoft's TrueType core fonts
media-fonts dejavu
DejaVu fonts, bitstream vera with ISO-8859-2 characters
media-fonts encodings
X.Org font encodings
media-fonts font-alias
X.Org font aliases
media-fonts font-misc-misc
X.Org miscellaneous fonts
media-fonts font-util
X.Org font utilities
media-fonts liberation-fonts
A Helvetica/Times/Courier replacement TrueType font set, courtesy of Red Hat
media-fonts libertine-ttf
OpenType fonts from the Linux Libertine Open Fonts Project
media-fonts stix-fonts
Comprehensive OpenType font set of mathematical symbols and alphabets
media-fonts ttf-bitstream-vera
Bitstream Vera font family
media-fonts urw-fonts
free good quality fonts gpl'd by URW++
media-gfx exiv2
EXIF and IPTC metadata C++ library and command line utility
media-gfx fbgrab
Framebuffer screenshot utility
media-gfx geeqie
A lightweight GTK image viewer forked from GQview
media-gfx graphite2
Library providing rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems
media-gfx graphviz
Open Source Graph Visualization Software
media-gfx imagemagick
A collection of tools and libraries for many image formats
media-gfx scrot
Screen capture utility using imlib2 library
media-libs a52dec
library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams used in DVD
media-libs alsa-lib
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Library
media-libs audiofile
An elegant API for accessing audio files
media-libs bio2jack
A library for porting blocked I/O OSS/ALSA audio applications to JACK
media-libs exiftool
Read and write meta information in image, audio and video files
media-libs faad2
AAC audio decoding library
media-libs flac
free lossless audio encoder and decoder
media-libs fontconfig
A library for configuring and customizing font access
media-libs freeglut
A completely OpenSourced alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library
media-libs freetype
A high-quality and portable font engine
media-libs gd
A graphics library for fast image creation
media-libs giblib
a graphics library built on top of imlib2
media-libs giflib
Library to handle, display and manipulate GIF images
media-libs glu
The OpenGL Utility Library
media-libs gst-plugins-bad
Less plugins for GStreamer
media-libs gst-plugins-base
Basepack of plugins for gstreamer
media-libs gst-plugins-good
Basepack of plugins for gstreamer
media-libs gst-plugins-ugly
Basepack of plugins for gstreamer
media-libs gstreamer
Streaming media framework
media-libs harfbuzz
An OpenType text shaping engine
media-libs imlib2
Version 2 of an advanced replacement library for libraries like libXpm
media-libs jbig2dec
A decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format
media-libs lcms
A lightweight, speed optimized color management engine
media-libs libart_lgpl
a LGPL version of libart
media-libs libcanberra
Portable sound event library
media-libs libcddb
A library for accessing a CDDB server
media-libs libcdr
Library parsing the Corel cdr documents
media-libs libdca
library for decoding DTS Coherent Acoustics streams used in DVD
media-libs libdvbpsi
library for MPEG TS/DVB PSI tables decoding and generation
media-libs libdvdcss
A portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
media-libs libdvdnav
Library for DVD navigation tools
media-libs libdvdread
Library for DVD navigation tools
media-libs libexif
Library for parsing, editing, and saving EXIF data
media-libs libextractor
A library used to extract metadata from files of arbitrary type
media-libs libfreehand
Library for import of FreeHand drawings
media-libs libid3tag
The MAD id3tag library
media-libs libjpeg-turbo
MMX, SSE, and SSE2 SIMD accelerated JPEG library
media-libs libmad
"M"peg "A"udio "D"ecoder library
media-libs libmatroska
Extensible multimedia container format based on EBML
media-libs libmng
Multiple Image Networkgraphics lib (animated png's)
media-libs libmodplug
Library for playing MOD-like music files
media-libs libmp4v2
Functions for accessing ISO-IEC:14496-1:2001 MPEG-4 standard
media-libs libmpeg2
library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video
media-libs libogg
the Ogg media file format library
media-libs libpng
Portable Network Graphics library
media-libs libsamplerate
Secret Rabbit Code (aka libsamplerate) is a Sample Rate Converter for audio
media-libs libsdl
Simple Direct Media Layer
media-libs libsndfile
A C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound
media-libs libtheora
The Theora Video Compression Codec
media-libs libvisio
Library parsing the visio documents
media-libs libvorbis
The Ogg Vorbis sound file format library
media-libs libvpx
WebM VP8 Codec SDK
media-libs libwebp
A lossy image compression format
media-libs mesa
OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux
media-libs netpbm
A set of utilities for converting to/from the netpbm (and related) formats
media-libs opus
Open versatile codec designed for interactive speech and audio transmission over the internet
media-libs portaudio
A free, cross-platform, open-source, audio I/O library
media-libs raptor
The RDF Parser Toolkit
media-libs sbc
An audio codec to connect bluetooth high quality audio devices like headphones or loudspeakers
media-libs speex
Audio compression format designed for speech
media-libs t1lib
A Type 1 Font Rasterizer Library for UNIX/X11
media-libs tiff
Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library
media-libs vo-aacenc
VisualOn AAC encoder library
media-libs webrtc-audio-processing
AudioProcessing library from the webrtc.org code base
media-libs x264
A free library for encoding X264/AVC streams
media-libs xvid
XviD, a high performance/quality MPEG-4 video de-/encoding solution
media-plugins alsa-plugins
ALSA extra plugins
media-plugins audacious-plugins
Audacious Player - Your music, your way, no exceptions
media-plugins gst-plugins-a52dec
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-alsa
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-cdparanoia
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-dts
GStreamer plugin for MPEG-1/2 video encoding
media-plugins gst-plugins-dvdread
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-faad
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-flac
GStreamer encoder/decoder/tagger for FLAC
media-plugins gst-plugins-gconf
GStreamer plugin for wrapping GConf audio/video settings
media-plugins gst-plugins-jack
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-libnice
GStreamer plugin for ICE (RFC 5245) support
media-plugins gst-plugins-mad
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-meta
Meta ebuild to pull in gst plugins for apps
media-plugins gst-plugins-mpeg2dec
Libmpeg2 based decoder plug-in for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-ogg
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-oss
GStreamer plugin for OSS (Open Sound System) support
media-plugins gst-plugins-pulse
GStreamer plugin for the PulseAudio sound server
media-plugins gst-plugins-resindvd
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-vorbis
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-wavpack
GStreamer encoder/decoder for wavpack audio format
media-plugins gst-plugins-x
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-x264
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins gst-plugins-xvid
GStreamer plugin for XviD (MPEG-4) video encoding/decoding support
media-plugins gst-plugins-xvideo
plugin for gstreamer
media-plugins live
Libraries for standards-based RTP/RTCP/RTSP multimedia streaming
media-radio fldigi
Sound card based multimode software modem for Amateur Radio use
media-sound alsa-utils
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Utils (alsactl, alsamixer, etc.)
media-sound alsamixergui
FLTK based amixer Frontend
media-sound audacious
Audacious Player - Your music, your way, no exceptions
media-sound cdparanoia
an advanced CDDA reader with error correction
media-sound gsm
Lossy speech compression library and tool
media-sound jack-audio-connection-kit
A low-latency audio server
media-sound lame
LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder
media-sound mpg123
a realtime MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 audio player for layers 1, 2 and 3
media-sound pavucontrol
Pulseaudio Volume Control, GTK based mixer for Pulseaudio
media-sound pulseaudio
A networked sound server with an advanced plugin system
media-sound sox
The swiss army knife of sound processing programs
media-sound wavpack
Hybrid lossless audio compression tools
media-video ffmpeg
Complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. Includes libavcodec
media-video ffmpegthumbnailer
Lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers
media-video gtk-recordmydesktop
GTK+ interface for RecordMyDesktop
media-video recordmydesktop
A desktop session recorder producing Ogg video/audio files
media-video vlc
VLC media player - Video player and streamer
net-analyzer aimsniff
Utility for monitoring and archiving AOL Instant Messenger messages across a network
net-analyzer amap
A network scanning tool for pentesters
net-analyzer angst
an active sniffer that provides methods for aggressive sniffing on switched LANs
net-analyzer arpwatch
An ethernet monitor program that keeps track of ethernet/ip address pairings
net-analyzer chaosreader
A tool to trace TCP/UDP/... sessions and fetch application data from snoop or tcpdump logs
net-analyzer cloudshark
Easily upload your wireshark captures to CloudShark
net-analyzer dnsenum
A perl script to enumerate DNS from a server
net-analyzer dnstracer
Determines where a given nameserver gets its information from
net-analyzer dsniff
A collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing
net-analyzer etherape
A graphical network monitor for Unix modeled after etherman
net-analyzer ettercap
A suite for man in the middle attacks
net-analyzer firewalk
A tool for determining a firewall's rule set
net-analyzer fragroute
Testing of network intrusion detection systems, firewalls and TCP/IP stacks
net-analyzer ftester
Firewall and Intrusion Detection System testing tool
net-analyzer gnome-nettool
Graphical front-ends to various networking command-line
net-analyzer gspoof
A simple GTK/command line TCP/IP packet generator
net-analyzer hping
A ping-like TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer
net-analyzer hunt
tool for checking well known weaknesses in the TCP/IP protocol
net-analyzer hydra
Advanced parallized login hacker
net-analyzer ike-scan
A utility for finding, fingerprinting and testing IKE VPN servers
net-analyzer isic
IP Stack Integrity Checker
net-analyzer macchanger
Utility for viewing/manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces
net-analyzer mbrowse
MBrowse is a graphical MIB browser
net-analyzer metasploit
Advanced open-source framework for developing, testing, and using vulnerability exploit code
net-analyzer multimon-ng
a fork of multimon, decodes multiple digital transmission modes
net-analyzer nbtscan
NBTscan is a program for scanning IP networks for NetBIOS name information
net-analyzer ncrack
a high-speed network authentication cracking tool
net-analyzer net-snmp
Software for generating and retrieving SNMP data
net-analyzer netcat6
netcat clone with better IPv6 support, improved code, etc...
net-analyzer netdiscover
An active/passive address reconnaissance tool
net-analyzer netselect
Ultrafast implementation of ping
net-analyzer netwag
Tcl/tk interface to netwox (Toolbox of 222 utilities for testing Ethernet/IP networks)
net-analyzer netwox
Toolbox of 217 utilities for testing Ethernet/IP networks
net-analyzer ngrep
A grep for network layers
net-analyzer nikto
Web Server vulnerability scanner.
net-analyzer nmap
A utility for network exploration or security auditing
net-analyzer nmbscan
netbios scanner
net-analyzer ntop
Network traffic analyzer with web interface
net-analyzer p0f
A tool to perform passive OS detection based on SYN packets
net-analyzer packit
network auditing tool that allows you to monitor, manipulate, and inject customized IPv4 traffic
net-analyzer rain
powerful tool for testing stability of hardware and software utilizing IP protocols
net-analyzer rrdtool
A system to store and display time-series data
net-analyzer scanssh
network scanner that gathers info on SSH protocols and versions
net-analyzer scapy
A Python interactive packet manipulation program for mastering the network
net-analyzer siphon
A portable passive network mapping suite
net-analyzer sniffit
Interactive Packet Sniffer
net-analyzer snort
The de facto standard for intrusion detection/prevention
net-analyzer sqlninja
A SQL Server injection & takeover tool
net-analyzer sslsniff
MITM all SSL connections on a LAN and dynamically generates certs
net-analyzer tcpdump
A Tool for network monitoring and data acquisition
net-analyzer tcpreplay
a suite of utilities for editing and replaying previously captured network traffic
net-analyzer tcptraceroute
tcptraceroute is a traceroute implementation using TCP packets
net-analyzer thc-ipv6
complete tool set to attack the inherent protocol weaknesses of IPV6 and ICMP6
net-analyzer thcrut
Network discovery and fingerprinting tool
net-analyzer traceroute
Utility to trace the route of IP packets
net-analyzer upnpscan
Scans the network for UPNP capable devices
net-analyzer w3af
Web Application Attack and Audit Framework
net-analyzer wapiti
Web application security auditor
net-analyzer wireshark
A network protocol analyzer formerly known as ethereal
net-analyzer xprobe
Active OS fingerprinting tool - this is Xprobe2
net-analyzer yersinia
A layer 2 attack framework
net-analyzer armitage
Cyber Attack Management for Metasploit
net-analyzer blindelephant
generic web application fingerprinter that produces results by examining a small set of static files
net-analyzer davtest
tests WebDAV enabled servers
net-analyzer dnsa
Swiss-army knife tool for dns auditing
net-analyzer dnsrecon
DNS Enumeration Script
net-analyzer enum4linux
a tool for enumerating information from Windows and Samba systems
net-analyzer fierce
Fierce is a DNS reconnaissance tool written in perl
net-analyzer geoedge
This little tools is designed to get geolocalization information of a host
net-analyzer hyenae
a highly flexible packet generator
net-analyzer inguma
Inguma is an open source penetration testing toolkit written completely in Python
net-analyzer medusa
A Modular,Parallel,Multiprotocol, Network Login Auditor
net-analyzer metagoofil
Metagoofil is an information gathering tool designed for extracting metadata of public documents
net-analyzer nmap_vulscan
A NSE vulnerability scanner which uses an offline version of different vulnerability databases
net-analyzer ntp-fingerprint
NTP fingerprinting utility
net-analyzer onesixtyone
An efficient SNMP scanner
net-analyzer polenum
a python script for extracting the password policy information from a Windows/Samba machine.
net-analyzer ppscan
port scanner with HTTP and FTP tunneling support
net-analyzer set
A social engineering framework
net-analyzer sipvicious
A voip pentest tools suite
net-analyzer smtpmap
a very complete and well done fingerprinter for SMTP, FTP and POP3 fingerprinter
net-analyzer snmpenum
A perl script to enumerate SNMP table dumper
net-analyzer sslstrip
sslstrip remove https and forwards http
net-analyzer sslyze
Fast and full-featured SSL scanner
net-analyzer subdomainer
This script will search in Google, Msn.search and Yahoo for subdomains related to the target domain
net-analyzer thc-pptp-bruter
a brute force program that works against pptp vpn endpoints
net-analyzer theHarvester
The Harvester is a tool designed to collect email accounts of the target domain
net-analyzer voiphopper
VoIP Hopper is a tool that rapidly runs a VLAN Hop into the Voice VLAN
net-analyzer waffit
web application firewall (waf) scanner
net-analyzer webshag
An enhanced HTTP URL Scanner and fuzzer
net-analyzer wfuzz
Wfuzz is a tool designed for bruteforcing Web Applications
net-analyzer whatweb
Next generation web scanner, identifies what software websites are running
net-analyzer wolpertinger
a distributed portscanner
net-analyzer wpscan
Wordpress security scanner
net-analyzer xplico
Extract data from TCP/IP traffic
net-dialup freeradius
Highly configurable free RADIUS server
net-dialup linux-atm
Tools for ATM
net-dialup lrzsz
Communication package providing the X, Y, and ZMODEM file transfer protocols
net-dialup mingetty
A compact getty program for virtual consoles only
net-dialup minicom
Serial Communication Program
net-dialup ppp
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
net-dialup wvdial
Excellent program to automatically configure PPP sessions
net-dns bind-tools
bind tools: dig, nslookup, host, nsupdate, dnssec-keygen
net-dns c-ares
C library that resolves names asynchronously
net-dns dnsmasq
Small forwarding DNS server
net-dns libidn
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) implementation
net-firewall iptables
Linux kernel (2.4+) firewall, NAT and packet mangling tools
net-firewall sanewall
iptables firewall generator (fork of firehol)
net-fs cifs-utils
Tools for Managing Linux CIFS Client Filesystems
net-fs curlftpfs
File system for accessing ftp hosts based on FUSE
net-fs nfs-utils
NFS client and server daemons
net-fs samba
Samba Suite Version 4
net-fs winexe
remotely execute commands on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 systems, with lmhash passthrough support
net-ftp ftp
Standard Linux FTP client
net-ftp ftpbase
FTP layout package
net-ftp gproftpd
GTK frontend to proftpd
net-ftp oftpd
Secure, small, anonymous only ftpd
net-ftp proftpd
An advanced and very configurable FTP server
net-ftp tftp-hpa
port of the OpenBSD TFTP server
net-im pidgin
GTK Instant Messenger client
net-im jitsi-bin
Secure IM communicator that supports SIP, XMPP/Jabber, AIM/ICQ, Windows Live, Yahoo
net-irc hexchat
Graphical IRC client based on XChat
net-irc irssi
A modular textUI IRC client with IPv6 support
net-libs adns
Advanced, easy to use, asynchronous-capable DNS client library and utilities
net-libs daq
Data Acquisition library, for packet I/O
net-libs farstream
Audio/video conferencing framework specifically designed for instant messengers
net-libs glib-networking
Network-related giomodules for glib
net-libs gnutls
A TLS 1.2 and SSL 3.0 implementation for the GNU project
net-libs gssdp
A GObject-based API for handling resource discovery and announcement over SSDP
net-libs gupnp
An object-oriented framework for creating UPnP devs and control points
net-libs gupnp-igd
Library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping for GUPnP
net-libs libasyncns
C library for executing name service queries asynchronously
net-libs libbtbb
A library to decode Bluetooth baseband packets
net-libs libhackrf
library for communicating with HackRF SDR platform
net-libs libnatpmp
An alternative protocol to UPnP IGD specification
net-libs libnet
library to provide an API for commonly used low-level network functions (mainly packet injection)
net-libs libnfnetlink
the low-level library for netfilter related kernel/userspace communication
net-libs libnfsidmap
NFSv4 ID <-> name mapping library
net-libs libnice
An implementation of the Interactice Connectivity Establishment standard (ICE)
net-libs libnids
an implementation of an E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System
net-libs libosmo-dsp
A library with SDR DSP primitives
net-libs libpcap
A system-independent library for user-level network packet capture
net-libs libproxy
Library for automatic proxy configuration management
net-libs libqmi
QMI modem protocol helper library
net-libs libsmi
A Library to Access SMI MIB Information
net-libs libsoup
An HTTP library implementation in C
net-libs libssh
Access a working SSH implementation by means of a library
net-libs libssh2
Library implementing the SSH2 protocol
net-libs libtirpc
Transport Independent RPC library (SunRPC replacement)
net-libs miniupnpc
UPnP client library and a simple UPnP client
net-libs neon
HTTP and WebDAV client library
net-libs netwib
Library of Ethernet, IP, UDP, TCP, ICMP, ARP and RARP protocols
net-libs nodejs
Evented IO for V8 Javascript
net-libs serf
HTTP client library
net-libs wvstreams
A network programming library in C++
net-libs zeromq
A brokerless kernel
net-libs libndpi
ntop-maintained superset of the popular OpenDPI library
net-libs libvidcap
a cross-platform library for capturing video from webcams and other video capture devices
net-mail mailbase
MTA layout package
net-misc axel
Light Unix download accelerator
net-misc bridge-utils
Tools for configuring the Linux kernel 802.1d Ethernet Bridge
net-misc curl
A Client that groks URLs
net-misc dhcp
ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client/server
net-misc dhcpcd
A fully featured, yet light weight RFC2131 compliant DHCP client
net-misc grdesktop
Gtk2 frontend for rdesktop
net-misc ifenslave
Attach and detach slave interfaces to a bonding device
net-misc iodine
IP over DNS tunnel
net-misc iperf
A TCP, UDP, and SCTP network bandwidth measurement tool
net-misc ipsorcery
Ipsorcery allows you to generate IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IGMP packets
net-misc iputils
Network monitoring tools including ping and ping6
net-misc mobile-broadband-provider-info
Database of mobile broadband service providers
net-misc modemmanager
Modem and mobile broadband management libraries
net-misc nemesis
A commandline-based, portable human IP stack for UNIX/Linux
net-misc netifrc
Gentoo Network Interface Management Scripts
net-misc netkit-fingerd
Netkit - fingerd and finger client
net-misc netkit-rsh
Netkit's Remote Shell Suite: rexec{,d} rlogin{,d} rsh{,d}
net-misc netsed
Small tool for altering forwarded network data in real time
net-misc networkmanager
Universal network configuration daemon for laptops, desktops, servers and virtualization hosts
net-misc npapi-sdk
NPAPI headers bundle
net-misc ntp
Network Time Protocol suite/programs
net-misc openssh
Port of OpenBSD's free SSH release
net-misc openvpn
Robust and highly flexible tunneling application compatible with many OSes
net-misc portspoof
return SYN+ACK for every port connection attempt
net-misc proxychains
force any tcp connections to flow through a proxy (or proxy chain)
net-misc raccess
Remote Access Session is an systems security analyzer
net-misc rdesktop
A Remote Desktop Protocol Client
net-misc rsync
File transfer program to keep remote files into sync
net-misc sipsak
small command line tool for testing SIP applications and devices
net-misc socat
Multipurpose relay (SOcket CAT)
net-misc stunnel
TLS/SSL - Port Wrapper
net-misc telnet-bsd
Telnet and telnetd ported from OpenBSD with IPv6 support
net-misc tightvnc
A great client/server software package allowing remote network access to graphical desktops
net-misc tor
Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
net-misc vconfig
802.1Q vlan control utility
net-misc vidalia
Qt 4 front-end for Tor
net-misc vpnc
Free client for Cisco VPN routing software
net-misc wget
Network utility to retrieve files from the WWW
net-misc whatmask
little C program to compute different subnet mask notations
net-misc whois
improved Whois Client
net-misc x11-ssh-askpass
X11-based passphrase dialog for use with OpenSSH
net-misc iaxclient
Multiplatform IAX library for creating telephony solutions that interoperate with Asterisk
net-misc rdesktop-brute
A Remote Desktop Protocol Client
net-misc sipp
SipBomber is a tool to stress SIP server/proxy implementations.
net-misc tcpick
A tcp stream sniffer, tracker and capturer.
net-misc voipong
tool for detecting all VoIP calls on a pipeline and dumps actual conversation to seperate wav files
net-misc warvox
VoIP war dialing suite of tools
net-misc wlan2eth
Wlan2eth is a tool that converts wlan pcap to ethernet-like frames.
net-nds jxplorer
A fully functional ldap browser written in java
net-nds openldap
LDAP suite of application and development tools
net-nds rpcbind
portmap replacement which supports RPC over various protocols
net-print cups
The Common Unix Printing System
net-print cups-filters
Cups PDF filters
net-proxy 3proxy
really tiny cross-platform proxy servers set
net-proxy httpush
Httpush is an intercepting proxy, allowing user to modify HTTP requests on-the-fly
net-proxy mitmproxy
An interactive, SSL-capable, man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy
net-proxy privoxy
A web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy against Internet junk
net-proxy ratproxy
A semi-automated, largely passive web application security audit tool
net-proxy tsocks
Transparent SOCKS v4 proxying library
net-proxy burpsuite
an interactive HTTP/S proxy server for attacking and debugging web-enabled applications
net-proxy redsocks
Transparent redirector of any TCP connection to proxy
net-proxy zaproxy
An easy to use integrated penetration testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications
net-voip yate
The Yate AV Suite
net-wireless aircrack-ng
WLAN tools for breaking 802.11 WEP/WPA keys
net-wireless airsnort
802.11b Wireless Packet Sniffer/WEP Cracker
net-wireless bladerf
Libraries for supporing the BladeRF hardware from Nuand
net-wireless bladerf-firmware
bladeRF FX3 firmware images
net-wireless bladerf-fpga
bladeRF FPGA bitstreams
net-wireless blueman
GTK+ Bluetooth Manager, designed to be simple and intuitive for everyday bluetooth tasks
net-wireless bluez
Bluetooth Tools and System Daemons for Linux
net-wireless chirp
Free open-source tool for programming your amateur radio
net-wireless crackle
Crackle cracks BLE Encryption (AKA Bluetooth Smart)
net-wireless crda
Central Regulatory Domain Agent for wireless networks
net-wireless gnuradio
Toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios
net-wireless gqrx
Software defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio and Qt
net-wireless gr-iqbal
gnuradio I/Q balancing
net-wireless gr-osmosdr
GNU Radio source block for OsmoSDR and rtlsdr and hackrf
net-wireless hackrf-tools
library for communicating with HackRF SDR platform
net-wireless hostapd
IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN Host AP daemon
net-wireless iw
nl80211-based configuration utility for wireless devices using the mac80211 kernel stack
net-wireless kismet
IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN sniffer
net-wireless kismet-ubertooth
Provides basic bluetooth support in kismet
net-wireless lorcon
A generic library for injecting 802.11 frames
net-wireless mdk
Wireless injection tool with various functions
net-wireless multimode
multimode radio decoder for rtl-sdr devices using gnuradio
net-wireless reaver
Brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup
net-wireless rfkill
Tool to read and control rfkill status through /dev/rfkill
net-wireless rtl-sdr
turns your Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver
net-wireless spectools
Spectrum Analyzer for Meta-Geek Wi-Spy and GSG Ubertooth hardware
net-wireless ubertooth
An open source wireless development platform suitable for Bluetooth experimentation
net-wireless uhd
Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) Hardware Driver
net-wireless wepattack
WLAN tool for breaking 802.11 WEP keys
net-wireless wireless-regdb
Binary regulatory database for CRDA
net-wireless wireless-tools
A collection of tools to configure IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN cards
net-wireless wpa_supplicant
IEEE 802.1X/WPA supplicant for secure wireless transfers
net-wireless yatebts
The Yate GSM base station
net-wireless bt-audit
A small bluetooth audit suite
net-wireless btscanner
A utility for bluetooth scanning and discovery
net-wireless bully
A wifi-protected-setup (WPS) brute force attack tool, similar to reaver
net-wireless cowpatty
WLAN tools for bruteforcing 802.11 WPA/WPA2 keys
net-wireless fern-wifi-cracker
Wireless tool for WEP/WPA cracking and WPS keys recovery
net-wireless gr-air-modes
This module implements a complete Mode S and ADS-B receiver for Gnuradio
net-wireless haraldscan
A Bluetooth discovery scanner
net-wireless karmetasploit
KARMA + Metasploit 3 == Karmetasploit
net-wireless wifite
An automated wireless attack tool
net-zope zope-interface
Interfaces for Python
pentoo pentoo
Pentoo meta ebuild to install all apps
pentoo pentoo-analyzer
Pentoo analyzers meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-bluetooth
Pentoo bluetooth meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-cracking
Pentoo cracking meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-database
Pentoo database attack meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-desktop
Pentoo meta ebuild to install all X and WM/DE related things
pentoo pentoo-exploit
Pentoo exploit meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-footprint
Pentoo footprint meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-forensics
Pentoo forensics meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-forging
Pentoo forging meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-fuzzers
Pentoo fuzzers meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-installer
Installer for pentoo, based on the ncurses Arch Linux installer
pentoo pentoo-livecd
things needed by pentoo for livecd only
pentoo pentoo-misc
Pentoo misc meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-mitm
Pentoo mitm meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-mobile
Pentoo mobile meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-proxies
Pentoo proxy meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-radio
radio tools for pentoo
pentoo pentoo-rce
Pentoo RCE meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-scanner
Pentoo scanner meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-system
Pentoo meta ebuild to install system
pentoo pentoo-voip
Pentoo voip meta ebuild
pentoo pentoo-wireless
Pentoo wireless meta ebuild
perl-core Digest-SHA
Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
sci-geosciences gpsd
GPS daemon and library to support USB/serial GPS devices and various GPS/mapping clients
sci-libs arpack
Arnoldi package library to solve large scale eigenvalue problems
sci-libs blas-reference
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms F77 reference implementations
sci-libs colamd
Column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm
sci-libs fftw
Fast C library for the Discrete Fourier Transform
sci-libs gsl
The GNU Scientific Library
sci-libs lapack-reference
FORTRAN reference implementation of LAPACK Linear Algebra PACKage
sci-libs scipy
Scientific algorithms library for Python
sci-libs ufconfig
Common configuration scripts for the SuiteSparse libraries
sci-mathematics lpsolve
Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver
sci-visualization gnuplot
Command-line driven interactive plotting program
sys-apps acl
access control list utilities, libraries and headers
sys-apps attr
Extended attributes tools
sys-apps baselayout
Filesystem baselayout and init scripts
sys-apps baselayout-java
Baselayout for Java
sys-apps busybox
Utilities for rescue and embedded systems
sys-apps coreutils
Standard GNU file utilities (chmod, cp, dd, dir, ls...), text utilities (sort, tr, head, wc..), and shell utilities (whoami, who,...)
sys-apps cracklib-words
large set of crack/cracklib dictionaries
sys-apps dbus
A message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to each other
sys-apps dcfldd
enhanced dd with features for forensics and security
sys-apps debianutils
A selection of tools from Debian
sys-apps diffutils
Tools to make diffs and compare files
sys-apps dmapi
XFS data management API library
sys-apps ed
Your basic line editor
sys-apps elfix
A suite of tools to work with ELF objects on Hardened Gentoo
sys-apps ethtool
Utility for examining and tuning ethernet-based network interfaces
sys-apps fbset
A utility to set the framebuffer videomode
sys-apps file
identify a file's format by scanning binary data for patterns
sys-apps findutils
GNU utilities for finding files
sys-apps gawk
GNU awk pattern-matching language
sys-apps gentoo-functions
base functions required by all gentoo systems
sys-apps gptfdisk
GPT partition table manipulator for Linux
sys-apps gradm
Administrative interface for the grsecurity Role Based Access Control system
sys-apps grep
GNU regular expression matcher
sys-apps groff
Text formatter used for man pages
sys-apps hdparm
Utility to change hard drive performance parameters
sys-apps help2man
GNU utility to convert program --help output to a man page
sys-apps hwdata-gentoo
Data for the hwsetup program
sys-apps hwids
Hardware (PCI, USB, OUI, IAB) IDs databases
sys-apps hwsetup
Hardware setup program from Knoppix - used only on LiveCD
sys-apps install-xattr
Wrapper to coreutil's install to preserve Filesystem Extended Attributes
sys-apps iproute2
kernel routing and traffic control utilities
sys-apps kbd
Keyboard and console utilities
sys-apps keyutils
Linux Key Management Utilities
sys-apps kmod
library and tools for managing linux kernel modules
sys-apps less
Excellent text file viewer
sys-apps lm_sensors
Hardware Monitoring user-space utilities
sys-apps lsb-release
LSB version query program
sys-apps man-db
a man replacement that utilizes berkdb instead of flat files
sys-apps man-pages
A somewhat comprehensive collection of Linux man pages
sys-apps man-pages-posix
POSIX man-pages (0p, 1p, 3p)
sys-apps microcode-data
Intel IA32 microcode update data
sys-apps miscfiles
Miscellaneous files
sys-apps mlocate
Merging locate is an utility to index and quickly search for files
sys-apps net-tools
Standard Linux networking tools
sys-apps openrc
OpenRC manages the services, startup and shutdown of a host
sys-apps paxctl
Manages various PaX related program header flags for Elf32, Elf64, binaries
sys-apps pciutils
Various utilities dealing with the PCI bus
sys-apps pcmciautils
PCMCIA userspace utilities for Linux
sys-apps portage
Portage is the package management and distribution system for Gentoo
sys-apps rescan-scsi-bus
Script to rescan the SCSI bus without rebooting
sys-apps sandbox
sandbox'd LD_PRELOAD hack
sys-apps sed
Super-useful stream editor
sys-apps sg3_utils
Apps for querying the sg SCSI interface
sys-apps shadow
Utilities to deal with user accounts
sys-apps sysvinit
/sbin/init - parent of all processes
sys-apps tcp-wrappers
TCP Wrappers
sys-apps texinfo
The GNU info program and utilities
sys-apps usb_modeswitch
USB_ModeSwitch is a tool for controlling 'flip flop' (multiple devices) USB gear like UMTS sticks
sys-apps usbutils
USB enumeration utilities
sys-apps util-linux
Various useful Linux utilities
sys-apps which
Prints out location of specified executables that are in your path
sys-auth consolekit
Framework for defining and tracking users, login sessions and seats
sys-auth pambase
PAM base configuration files
sys-auth polkit
Policy framework for controlling privileges for system-wide services
sys-auth realtime-base
Sets up realtime scheduling
sys-auth rtkit
Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon
sys-block disktype
Detect the content format of a disk or disk image
sys-block gparted
Gnome Partition Editor
sys-block parted
Create, destroy, resize, check, copy partitions and file systems
sys-block thin-provisioning-tools
A suite of tools for thin provisioning on Linux
sys-boot efibootmgr
Interact with the EFI Boot Manager
sys-boot grub
GNU GRUB boot loader
sys-boot syslinux
sys-boot unetbootin
Universal Netboot Installer creates Live USB systems for various OS distributions
sys-cluster openmpi
A high-performance message passing library (MPI)
sys-devel autoconf
Used to create autoconfiguration files
sys-devel autoconf-wrapper
wrapper for autoconf to manage multiple autoconf versions
sys-devel autogen
Program and text file generation
sys-devel automake
Used to generate Makefile.in from Makefile.am
sys-devel automake-wrapper
wrapper for automake to manage multiple automake versions
sys-devel bc
Handy console-based calculator utility
sys-devel bin86
Assembler and loader used to create kernel bootsector
sys-devel binutils
Tools necessary to build programs
sys-devel binutils-config
Utility to change the binutils version being used
sys-devel bison
A general-purpose (yacc-compatible) parser generator
sys-devel clang
C language family frontend for LLVM (meta-ebuild)
sys-devel crossdev
Gentoo Cross-toolchain generator
sys-devel flex
The Fast Lexical Analyzer
sys-devel gcc
The GNU Compiler Collection
sys-devel gcc-config
utility to manage compilers
sys-devel gdb
GNU debugger
sys-devel gettext
GNU locale utilities
sys-devel gnuconfig
Updated config.sub and config.guess file from GNU
sys-devel libtool
A shared library tool for developers
sys-devel llvm
Low Level Virtual Machine
sys-devel m4
GNU macro processor
sys-devel make
Standard tool to compile source trees
sys-devel patch
Utility to apply diffs to files
sys-devel ucpp
A quick and light preprocessor, but anyway fully compliant to C99
sys-fs btrfs-progs
Btrfs filesystem utilities
sys-fs cryptsetup
Tool to setup encrypted devices with dm-crypt
sys-fs dd-rescue
Similar to dd but can copy from source with errors
sys-fs ddrescue
Copy data from one file or block device to another with read-error recovery
sys-fs diskdev_cmds
HFS and HFS+ utils ported from OSX, supplies mkfs and fsck
sys-fs dmraid
Device-mapper RAID tool and library
sys-fs dosfstools
DOS filesystem tools - provides mkdosfs, mkfs.msdos, mkfs.vfat
sys-fs e2fsprogs
Standard EXT2/EXT3/EXT4 filesystem utilities
sys-fs exfat-utils
exFAT filesystem utilities
sys-fs fuse
An interface for filesystems implemented in userspace
sys-fs fuse-exfat
exFAT filesystem FUSE module
sys-fs hfsutils
HFS FS Access utils
sys-fs jfsutils
IBM's Journaling Filesystem (JFS) Utilities
sys-fs lvm2
User-land utilities for LVM2 (device-mapper) software
sys-fs mdadm
A useful tool for running RAID systems - it can be used as a replacement for the raidtools
sys-fs mtools
utilities to access MS-DOS disks from Unix without mounting them
sys-fs multipath-tools
Device mapper target autoconfig
sys-fs ntfs3g
Open source read-write NTFS driver that runs under FUSE
sys-fs reiser4progs
reiser4progs: mkfs, fsck, etc...
sys-fs reiserfsprogs
Reiserfs Utilities
sys-fs squashfs-tools
Tool for creating compressed filesystem type squashfs
sys-fs sshfs-fuse
Fuse-filesystem utilizing the sftp service
sys-fs udev
Linux dynamic and persistent device naming support (aka userspace devfs)
sys-fs udev-init-scripts
udev startup scripts for openrc
sys-fs udisks
Daemon providing interfaces to work with storage devices
sys-fs xfsdump
xfs dump/restore utilities
sys-fs xfsprogs
xfs filesystem utilities
sys-kernel genkernel
Gentoo automatic kernel building scripts with pentoo patches
sys-kernel linux-firmware
Linux firmware files
sys-kernel linux-headers
Linux system headers
sys-kernel pentoo-sources
Pentoo kernel sources (kernel series .)
sys-libs cracklib
Password Checking Library
sys-libs db
Oracle Berkeley DB
sys-libs e2fsprogs-libs
e2fsprogs libraries (common error and subsystem)
sys-libs gdbm
Standard GNU database libraries
sys-libs glibc
GNU libc6 (also called glibc2) C library
sys-libs gpm
Console-based mouse driver
sys-libs libaal
library required by reiser4progs
sys-libs libcap
POSIX 1003.1e capabilities
sys-libs libcap-ng
POSIX 1003.1e capabilities
sys-libs libkudzu
Red Hat Hardware detection tools
sys-libs libutempter
Library that allows non-privileged apps to write utmp (login) info, which need root access
sys-libs mtdev
Multitouch Protocol Translation Library
sys-libs ncurses
console display library
sys-libs pam
Linux-PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)
sys-libs readline
Another cute console display library
sys-libs slang
A multi-platform programmer's library designed to allow a developer to create robust software
sys-libs talloc
Samba talloc library
sys-libs tdb
A simple database API
sys-libs tevent
Samba tevent library
sys-libs timezone-data
Timezone data (/usr/share/zoneinfo) and utilities (tzselect/zic/zdump)
sys-libs zlib
Standard (de)compression library
sys-power acpid
Daemon for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
sys-power bbswitch
Toggle discrete NVIDIA Optimus graphics card
sys-power hibernate-script
Hibernate script supporting multiple suspend methods
sys-power iasl
Intel ACPI Source Language (ASL) compiler
sys-power pm-quirks
Video Quirks database for pm-utils
sys-power pm-utils
Suspend and hibernation utilities
sys-power powertop
tool that helps you find what software is using the most power
sys-power upower-pm-utils
The upstream upower 0.9 git branch for use with sys-power/pm-utils
sys-process cronbase
base for all cron ebuilds
sys-process fcron
A command scheduler with extended capabilities over cron and anacron
sys-process htop
interactive process viewer
sys-process iotop
Top-like UI used to show which process is using the I/O
sys-process lsof
Lists open files for running Unix processes
sys-process procps
standard informational utilities and process-handling tools
sys-process psmisc
A set of tools that use the proc filesystem
virtual acl
Virtual for acl support (sys/acl.h)
virtual awk
Virtual for awk implementation
virtual blas
Virtual for FORTRAN 77 BLAS implementation
virtual cblas
Virtual for BLAS C implementation
virtual dev-manager
Virtual for the device filesystem manager
virtual editor
Virtual for editor
virtual eject
Virtual for the eject command
virtual fam
A virtual package to choose between gamin and fam
virtual ffmpeg
Virtual package for FFmpeg implementation
virtual fortran
Virtual for Fortran Compiler
virtual freedesktop-icon-theme
A virtual to choose between different icon themes
virtual glu
Virtual for OpenGL utility library
virtual httpd-cgi
Virtual for CGI-enabled webservers
virtual jdk
Virtual for Java Development Kit (JDK)
virtual jpeg
A virtual for the libjpeg.so.62 ABI for binary-only programs
virtual jre
Virtual for Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
virtual krb5
Virtual for Kerberos V implementation
virtual lapack
Virtual for Linear Algebra Package FORTRAN 77 (LAPACK) implementation
virtual libc
Virtual for the C library
virtual libffi
A virtual for the Foreign Function Interface implementation
virtual libgudev
Virtual for libgudev providers
virtual libiconv
Virtual for the GNU conversion library
virtual libintl
Virtual for the GNU Internationalization Library
virtual libudev
Virtual for libudev providers
virtual libusb
Virtual for libusb
virtual linux-sources
Virtual for Linux kernel sources
virtual logger
Virtual for system loggers
virtual man
Virtual for man
virtual modutils
Virtual for utilities to manage Linux kernel modules
virtual mpi
Virtual for Message Passing Interface (MPI) v2.0 implementation
virtual mta
Virtual for Message Transfer Agents
virtual mysql
Virtual for MySQL client or database
virtual notification-daemon
Virtual for notification daemon dbus service
virtual opengl
Virtual for OpenGL implementation
virtual os-headers
Virtual for operating system headers
virtual package-manager
Virtual for the package manager
virtual pager
Virtual for command-line pagers
virtual pam
Virtual for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)
virtual perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib
Virtual for Compress-Raw-Zlib
virtual perl-Digest
Virtual for Digest
virtual perl-Digest-MD5
Virtual for Digest-MD5
virtual perl-Digest-SHA
Virtual for Digest-SHA
virtual perl-Encode
Virtual for Encode
virtual perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
Virtual for ExtUtils-MakeMaker
virtual perl-File-Spec
Virtual for File-Spec
virtual perl-Getopt-Long
Virtual for Getopt-Long
virtual perl-IO
Virtual for IO
virtual perl-IO-Compress
Virtual for IO-Compress
virtual perl-MIME-Base64
Virtual for MIME-Base64
virtual perl-Module-Build
Virtual for Module-Build
virtual perl-Pod-Simple
Virtual for Pod-Simple
virtual perl-Scalar-List-Utils
Virtual for Scalar::Util and List::Util, also distributed as Scalar::List::Utils
virtual perl-Storable
Virtual for Storable
virtual perl-Sys-Syslog
Virtual for Sys-Syslog
virtual perl-Term-ANSIColor
Virtual for Term-ANSIColor
virtual perl-Time-HiRes
Virtual for Time-HiRes
virtual perl-Time-Local
Virtual for Time-Local
virtual perl-libnet
Virtual for libnet
virtual pkgconfig
Virtual for the pkg-config implementation
virtual python-imaging
Virtual for Python Imaging Library
virtual ruby-ffi
Virtual ebuild for the Ruby ffi library
virtual ruby-rdoc
Virtual ebuild for bundled and unbundled RDoc
virtual ruby-ssl
Virtual ebuild for the Ruby OpenSSL bindings
virtual ruby-threads
Virtual ebuild for a ruby interpreter with threading enabled
virtual rubygems
Virtual ebuild for rubygems
virtual service-manager
Virtual for various service managers
virtual shadow
Virtual for user account management utilities
virtual ssh
Virtual for SSH client and server
virtual tex-base
Virtual for basic TeX binaries (tex, kpathsea)
virtual ttf-fonts
Virtual for Serif/Sans/Monospace font packages
virtual udev
Virtual to select between different udev daemon providers
virtual yacc
virtual for yacc (yet another compiler compiler)
www-apps arachni
Arachni is a feature-full web application scanner
www-apps beef
Browser exploitation framework
www-client chromium
Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser
www-client firefox
Firefox Web Browser
www-client links
A fast and lightweight web browser running in both graphics and text mode
www-client lynx
An excellent console-based web browser with ssl support
www-plugins cookies_exportimport
Firefox extension to block annoying ads automatically, no distractions.
www-plugins firebug
Powerful web development tool for firefox
www-plugins foxyproxy
A set of proxy management tools for firefox
www-plugins hackplugins-meta
Collection of browser's plugins for application security testing
www-plugins noscript
Allow active content in firefox to run only from trusted sites.
www-plugins ringleader
FxPnH is a Firefox addon which makes it possible to use Firefox with Plug-n-Hack providers
www-plugins sql-inject-me
SQL Inject Me is the Exploit-Me tool used to test for SQL Injection vulnerabilities.
www-plugins user-agent-switcher
Adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of firefox
www-plugins xss-me
Firefox extension to test for reflected cross-site-scripting vulnerabilities.
www-servers lighttpd
Lightweight high-performance web server
www-servers thin
A fast and very simple Ruby web server
x11-apps appres
list X application resource database
x11-apps bdftopcf
X.Org bdftopcf application
x11-apps iceauth
ICE authority file utility
x11-apps luit
Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals
x11-apps mkfontdir
create an index of X font files in a directory
x11-apps mkfontscale
create an index of scalable font files for X
x11-apps rgb
uncompile an rgb color-name database
x11-apps sessreg
manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init clients
x11-apps setxkbmap
Controls the keyboard layout of a running X server
x11-apps xauth
X authority file utility
x11-apps xbacklight
Sets backlight level using the RandR 1.2 BACKLIGHT output property
x11-apps xconsole
monitor system console messages with X
x11-apps xdm
X.Org xdm application
x11-apps xinit
X Window System initializer
x11-apps xinput
Utility to set XInput device parameters
x11-apps xkbcomp
compile XKB keyboard description
x11-apps xmessage
display a message or query in a window (X-based /bin/echo)
x11-apps xprop
property displayer for X
x11-apps xrandr
primitive command line interface to RandR extension
x11-apps xrdb
X server resource database utility
x11-apps xrefresh
refresh all or part of an X screen
x11-apps xset
X.Org xset application
x11-apps xwininfo
window information utility for X
x11-base xorg-drivers
Meta package containing deps on all xorg drivers
x11-base xorg-server
X.Org X servers
x11-drivers xf86-input-evdev
Generic Linux input driver
x11-drivers xf86-input-keyboard
Keyboard input driver
x11-drivers xf86-input-mouse
X.Org driver for mouse input devices
x11-drivers xf86-input-synaptics
Driver for Synaptics touchpads
x11-drivers xf86-video-apm
Alliance ProMotion video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-ati
ATI video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-chips
Chips and Technologies video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-cirrus
Cirrus Logic video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-dummy
X.Org driver for dummy cards
x11-drivers xf86-video-fbdev
video driver for framebuffer device
x11-drivers xf86-video-glint
GLINT/Permedia video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-i128
Number 9 I128 video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-i740
Intel i740 video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-intel
X.Org driver for Intel cards
x11-drivers xf86-video-mach64
ATI Mach64 video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-mga
Matrox video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-modesetting
Unaccelerated generic driver for kernel modesetting
x11-drivers xf86-video-nouveau
Accelerated Open Source driver for nVidia cards
x11-drivers xf86-video-nv
Nvidia 2D only video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-openchrome
X.Org driver for VIA/S3G cards
x11-drivers xf86-video-r128
ATI Rage128 video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-rendition
Rendition video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-s3virge
S3 ViRGE video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-savage
S3 Savage video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-siliconmotion
Silicon Motion video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-sisusb
SiS USB video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-tdfx
3Dfx video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-tga
X.Org driver for tga cards
x11-drivers xf86-video-trident
Trident video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-tseng
Tseng Labs video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-v4l
video4linux driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-vesa
Generic VESA video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-virtualbox
VirtualBox video driver
x11-drivers xf86-video-vmware
VMware SVGA video driver
x11-libs cairo
A vector graphics library with cross-device output support
x11-libs fltk
C++ user interface toolkit for X and OpenGL
x11-libs gdk-pixbuf
Image loading library for GTK+
x11-libs gksu
A gtk+ frontend for libgksu
x11-libs glamor
OpenGL based 2D rendering acceleration library
x11-libs gnome-pty-helper
GNOME Setuid helper for opening ptys
x11-libs gtk+
Gimp ToolKit +
x11-libs gtksourceview
A text widget implementing syntax highlighting and other features
x11-libs libICE
X.Org Inter-Client Exchange library
x11-libs libSM
X.Org Session Management library
x11-libs libX11
X.Org X11 library
x11-libs libXScrnSaver
X.Org XScrnSaver library
x11-libs libXau
X.Org X authorization library
x11-libs libXaw
X.Org Xaw library
x11-libs libXcomposite
X.Org Xcomposite library
x11-libs libXcursor
X.Org Xcursor library
x11-libs libXdamage
X.Org Xdamage library
x11-libs libXdmcp
X.Org X Display Manager Control Protocol library
x11-libs libXext
X.Org Xext library
x11-libs libXfixes
X.Org Xfixes library
x11-libs libXfont
X.Org Xfont library
x11-libs libXft
X.Org Xft library
x11-libs libXi
X.Org Xi library
x11-libs libXinerama
X.Org Xinerama library
x11-libs libXmu
X.Org Xmu library
x11-libs libXp
X.Org Xp library
x11-libs libXpm
X.Org Xpm library
x11-libs libXrandr
X.Org Xrandr library
x11-libs libXrender
X.Org Xrender library
x11-libs libXres
X.Org XRes library
x11-libs libXt
X.Org X Toolkit Intrinsics library
x11-libs libXtst
X.Org Xlib-based client API for the XTEST & RECORD extensions library
x11-libs libXv
X.Org Xv library
x11-libs libXvMC
X.Org XvMC library
x11-libs libXxf86misc
X.Org Xxf86misc library
x11-libs libXxf86vm
X.Org Xxf86vm library
x11-libs libdrm
X.Org libdrm library
x11-libs libfontenc
X.Org fontenc library
x11-libs libgksu
A library for integration of su into applications
x11-libs libnotify
A library for sending desktop notifications
x11-libs libpciaccess
Library providing generic access to the PCI bus and devices
x11-libs libvdpau
VDPAU wrapper and trace libraries
x11-libs libwnck
A window navigation construction kit
x11-libs libxcb
X C-language Bindings library
x11-libs libxkbfile
X.Org xkbfile library
x11-libs libxklavier
A library for the X Keyboard Extension (high-level API)
x11-libs libxshmfence
Shared memory fences using futexes
x11-libs pango
Internationalized text layout and rendering library
x11-libs pixman
Low-level pixel manipulation routines
x11-libs qwt
2D plotting library for Qt4
x11-libs startup-notification
Application startup notification and feedback library
x11-libs vte
Library providing a virtual terminal emulator widget
x11-libs wxGTK
GTK+ version of wxWidgets, a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit
x11-libs xcb-util
X C-language Bindings sample implementations
x11-libs xcb-util-image
X C-language Bindings sample implementations
x11-libs xcb-util-keysyms
X C-language Bindings sample implementations
x11-libs xcb-util-renderutil
X C-language Bindings sample implementations
x11-libs xcb-util-wm
X C-language Bindings sample implementations
x11-libs xtrans
X.Org xtrans library
x11-misc arandr
A simple visual frontend for XRandR 1.2/1.3
x11-misc bumblebee
Service providing elegant and stable means of managing Optimus graphics chipsets
x11-misc gccmakedep
create dependencies in makefiles using 'gcc -M'
x11-misc icon-naming-utils
Utils to help with the transition to the new freedesktop.org naming scheme
x11-misc imake
C preprocessor interface to the make utility
x11-misc makedepend
create dependencies in makefiles
x11-misc shared-mime-info
The Shared MIME-info Database specification
x11-misc slim
Simple Login Manager
x11-misc util-macros
X.Org autotools utility macros
x11-misc virtualgl
Run OpenGL applications remotely with full 3D hardware acceleration
x11-misc xbitmaps
X.Org bitmaps data
x11-misc xdg-user-dirs
A tool to help manage 'well known' user directories
x11-misc xdg-user-dirs-gtk
xdg-user-dirs-gtk integrates xdg-user-dirs into the Gnome desktop and Gtk+ applications
x11-misc xdg-utils
Portland utils for cross-platform/cross-toolkit/cross-desktop interoperability
x11-misc xdialog
drop-in replacement for cdialog using GTK
x11-misc xkeyboard-config
X keyboard configuration database
x11-misc xorg-cf-files
Old Imake-related build files
x11-misc xscreensaver
A modular screen saver and locker for the X Window System
x11-misc mkxf86config
xorg-x11 configuration builder - used only on LiveCD
x11-proto bigreqsproto
X.Org BigReqs protocol headers
x11-proto compositeproto
X.Org Composite protocol headers
x11-proto damageproto
X.Org Damage protocol headers
x11-proto dri2proto
X.Org DRI2 protocol headers
x11-proto dri3proto
X.Org DRI3 protocol specification and Xlib/Xserver headers
x11-proto fixesproto
X.Org Fixes protocol headers
x11-proto fontsproto
X.Org Fonts protocol headers
x11-proto glproto
X.Org GL protocol headers
x11-proto inputproto
X.Org Input protocol headers
x11-proto kbproto
X.Org KB protocol headers
x11-proto presentproto
X.Org Present protocol specification and Xlib/Xserver headers
x11-proto printproto
X.Org Print protocol headers
x11-proto randrproto
X.Org Randr protocol headers
x11-proto recordproto
X.Org Record protocol headers
x11-proto renderproto
X.Org Render protocol headers
x11-proto resourceproto
X.Org Resource protocol headers
x11-proto scrnsaverproto
X.Org ScrnSaver protocol headers
x11-proto trapproto
X.Org Trap protocol headers
x11-proto videoproto
X.Org Video protocol headers
x11-proto xcb-proto
X C-language Bindings protocol headers
x11-proto xcmiscproto
X.Org XCMisc protocol headers
x11-proto xextproto
X.Org XExt protocol headers
x11-proto xf86bigfontproto
X.Org XF86BigFont protocol headers
x11-proto xf86dgaproto
X.Org XF86DGA protocol headers
x11-proto xf86driproto
X.Org XF86DRI protocol headers
x11-proto xf86miscproto
X.Org XF86Misc protocol headers
x11-proto xf86rushproto
X.Org XF86Rush protocol headers
x11-proto xf86vidmodeproto
X.Org XF86VidMode protocol headers
x11-proto xineramaproto
X.Org Xinerama protocol headers
x11-proto xproto
X.Org xproto protocol headers
x11-terms rxvt-unicode
rxvt clone with xft and unicode support
x11-terms xfce4-terminal
A terminal emulator for the Xfce desktop environment
x11-terms xterm
Terminal Emulator for X Windows
x11-themes gnome-icon-theme
GNOME default icon theme
x11-themes gnome-icon-theme-symbolic
Symbolic icons for GNOME default icon theme
x11-themes gtk-engines-xfce
A port of Xfce engine to GTK+ 3.x
x11-themes gtk-theme-switch
Utility to switch and preview GTK+ theme
x11-themes hicolor-icon-theme
Fallback theme for the freedesktop icon theme specification
x11-themes slim-themes
SLiM (Simple Login Manager) themes pack
x11-themes sound-theme-freedesktop
Default freedesktop.org sound theme following the XDG theming specification
x11-themes tango-icon-theme
SVG and PNG icon theme from the Tango project
xfce-base exo
Extensions, widgets and framework library with session support for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-base garcon
Xfce's freedesktop.org specification compatible menu implementation library
xfce-base libxfce4ui
Unified widgets and session management libraries for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-base libxfce4util
A basic utility library for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-base libxfcegui4
A compability library for unported Xfce 4.6 plugins (DEPRECATED)
xfce-base thunar
File manager for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-base xfce4-appfinder
A tool to find and launch installed applications for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-base xfce4-meta
The Xfce Desktop Environment (meta package)
xfce-base xfce4-panel
Panel for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-base xfce4-session
A session manager for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-base xfce4-settings
Configuration system for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-base xfconf
A simple client-server configuration storage and query system for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-base xfdesktop
Desktop manager for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-base xfwm4
Window manager for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-extra thunar-archive-plugin
Archive plug-in for the Thunar filemanager
xfce-extra thunar-vcs-plugin
adds Subversion and GIT actions to the context menu of thunar
xfce-extra thunar-volman
Daemon that enforces volume-related policies
xfce-extra tumbler
A thumbnail service for the filemanager of Xfce desktop environment
xfce-extra xfce4-gvfs-mount
A panel plug-in to mount remote filesystems for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-extra xfce4-mixer
A volume control application (and panel plug-in) for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-extra xfce4-notifyd
Notification daemon for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-extra xfce4-power-manager
Power manager for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce-extra xfce4-screenshooter
Xfce4 screenshooter application and panel plugin
xfce-extra xfce4-volumed-pulse
Daemon to control volume up/down and mute keys for pulseaudio
xfce-extra xfce4-xkb-plugin
XKB layout switching panel plug-in for the Xfce desktop environment

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